oetiker / rrdtool-1.x

RRDtool 1.x - Round Robin Database
GNU General Public License v2.0
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rrd file binary format cross OSes #759

Open aldas opened 7 years ago

aldas commented 7 years ago

Will there ever be a version where rrdtool supports reading files created on Linux (64bit) and reading done on Win (64bit) and vice versa?

Googling gives me hints that is has been looked into http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool-trac/wiki/PortableRrdFormat but is it going to be happen?

oetiker commented 7 years ago

It could happen if someone was going to put forward money or code ...

carbontwelve commented 7 years ago

Am I right in assuming the current best method is to export to xml on the origin platform and import on the destination platform?

oetiker commented 7 years ago

yes that is the way to go.