oetiker / rrdtool-2.x

RRDtool 2.x - The Time Series Database
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Histogram mode #9

Open stamfest opened 11 years ago

stamfest commented 11 years ago

It would be great to have support for histograms based on the time series data. This might even be a new form of RRA or aggregation function. This is probably non-trivial to get right.

This is something I need quite often, because it takes the data out of the time domain to find new underlying properties not immediatly obvious there.

oetiker commented 11 years ago

this ties into the idea that the whole design should be more modular, makeing it simple to add new types of charts

ab-it commented 11 years ago

At least two different attempts of doing this have happened over the past (one by me, it died because of lack of time and interest). Those attempts were in the form of pie charts but that is very easy to convert to bar charts. Only visually they differ, the inner workings are the same.