oetiker / znapzend

zfs backup with remote capabilities and mbuffer integration.
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Add autocreation test script. #658

Closed stuckj closed 4 weeks ago

stuckj commented 1 month ago

This is currently outside the test framework, but I hope to adapt it into the normal tests later.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

@check-spelling-bot Report stuckj/znapzend: master into -> oetiker/znapzend: 3cff548f098b9759590bd220a4fb3929af263315

:red_circle: Please review

See the :open_file_folder: files view, the :scroll:action log, or :memo: job summary for details.

Unrecognized words (2)

nas realpath

Previously acknowledged words that are now absent Balert Bcreate Bdebug Bdelete Bedit Berr Bexport Bimport Binfo Bnoaction Bnot Bpidfile Bpost Bpre Bsyslog Bwarning Bzfs Bznapzend Bznapzendzetup Bznapzendztatz cpanm cpanmin CPANSNAPV crt DBD DESTDIR distdir DTDs endif EXTRADIST forkcall Icommand Icommon Icreate Idataset Idestroy Idocuments Iexport Ifacility Ifeature Ifilepath Ihome Ilimited imandir Inumber Ioptions Ipath Ipictures Irecursive Isend Iskip Isnapshots Isnapsuffix Isources Itank Ithirdparty Itimeout Iusbbackup Iuser Ivalue Iznapzendzetup lpr nobase notest nroff ODBC SUBDIRS svcdir troff unicode vroff xargs 🫥
To accept these unrecognized words as correct and remove the previously acknowledged and now absent words, you could run the following commands ... in a clone of the [https://github.com/oetiker/znapzend](https://github.com/oetiker/znapzend) repository on the `master` branch ([:information_source: how do I use this?]( https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Accepting-Suggestions)): ``` sh curl -s -S -L 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/v0.0.22/apply.pl' | perl - 'https://github.com/oetiker/znapzend/actions/runs/9354518409/attempts/1' ```
Available :books: dictionaries could cover words (expected and unrecognized) not in the :blue_book: dictionary This includes both **expected items** (720) from .github/workflows//spelling/expect.txt and **unrecognized words** (2) Dictionary | Entries | Covers | Uniquely -|-|-|- [cspell:software-terms/dict/softwareTerms.txt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/check-spelling/cspell-dicts/v20230509/dictionaries/software-terms/dict/softwareTerms.txt)|1288|88|18| [cspell:php/dict/php.txt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/check-spelling/cspell-dicts/v20230509/dictionaries/php/dict/php.txt)|1689|69|6| [cspell:node/dict/node.txt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/check-spelling/cspell-dicts/v20230509/dictionaries/node/dict/node.txt)|891|65|6| [cspell:python/src/python/python-lib.txt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/check-spelling/cspell-dicts/v20230509/dictionaries/python/src/python/python-lib.txt)|2417|61|6| [cspell:filetypes/filetypes.txt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/check-spelling/cspell-dicts/v20230509/dictionaries/filetypes/filetypes.txt)|264|21|4| Consider adding them (in `.github/workflows/spelling.yml`): ``` yml with: extra_dictionaries: cspell:software-terms/dict/softwareTerms.txt cspell:php/dict/php.txt cspell:node/dict/node.txt cspell:python/src/python/python-lib.txt cspell:filetypes/filetypes.txt ``` To stop checking additional dictionaries, add (in `.github/workflows/spelling.yml`): ``` yml check_extra_dictionaries: '' ```
jimklimov commented 4 weeks ago

The cheerful spell-checker used here wants a few words (nas, realpath) added to .github/workflows/spelling/expect.txt :\

I'll post a PR with the extra dicts it suggests; maybe a later update from master branch would "just fix" this hiccup