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Bug in Visualization/ROI when using macro code #5

Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Load a results table, lauch the macro recorder, then manually reconstruct a 
ROI with the parameters:
Left top x [px]: 100
Left top y [px]: 100
Width [px]: 10
Height [px]: 1
It will correctly reconstruct an image corresponding to a 10x10 px ROI in the 
acquired image

2. The obtained macro code is:
run("Visualization", "imleft=100 imtop=100 imwidth=10 imheight=10 
renderer=[Normalized Gaussian] magnification=8.0 dxforce=false colorizez=false 
dx=20.0 threed=false");

3. Run this macro code

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

This should generate the same reconstruction as the manual operation. Instead 
the following error happens:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: xmax (ymax) must be greater than xmin (ymin)
    at cz.cuni.lf1.lge.ThunderSTORM.rendering.AbstractRendering$AbstractBuilder.roi(AbstractRendering.java:84)
    at cz.cuni.lf1.lge.ThunderSTORM.rendering.ui.DensityRenderingUI.getMethod(DensityRenderingUI.java:96)
    at cz.cuni.lf1.lge.ThunderSTORM.rendering.ui.AbstractRenderingUI.getImplementation(AbstractRenderingUI.java:155)
    at cz.cuni.lf1.lge.ThunderSTORM.rendering.ui.AbstractRenderingUI.getImplementation(AbstractRenderingUI.java:20)
    at cz.cuni.lf1.lge.ThunderSTORM.RenderingPlugIn.run(RenderingPlugIn.java:135)
    at ij.IJ.runUserPlugIn(IJ.java:199)
    at ij.IJ.runPlugIn(IJ.java:163)
    at ij.Executer.runCommand(Executer.java:131)
    at ij.Executer.run(Executer.java:61)
    at ij.IJ.run(IJ.java:269)
    at ij.macro.Functions.doRun(Functions.java:590)
    at ij.macro.Functions.doFunction(Functions.java:89)
    at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatement(Interpreter.java:226)
    at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatements(Interpreter.java:214)
    at ij.macro.Interpreter.run(Interpreter.java:111)
    at ij.macro.Interpreter.run(Interpreter.java:81)
    at CLI.Refresh_Macros.runScript(Refresh_Macros.java:56)
    at common.RefreshScripts.runScript(RefreshScripts.java:328)
    at fiji.scripting.TextEditor$Tab$6.execute(TextEditor.java:1225)
    at fiji.scripting.TextEditor$Executer$1.run(TextEditor.java:1785)

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 1.48s; Java 1.6.0_65 [64-bit]; Mac OS X 10.9.2

Please provide any additional information below.
The error : "xmax (ymax) must be greater than xmin (ymin)" suggests a confusion 
in ROI parameters. In fact to obtain the same reconstruction from macro code, 
you have to input (100,100,110,110) as ROI parameters instead of 
(100,100,10,10) in manual operation. That means that the bug is : when running 
macro code, the two last parameters are interpreted as the bottom right 
coordinates of the ROI rather than the Width and Height of the ROI.

Hope this helps,

Original issue reported on code.google.com by lechrist...@gmail.com on 21 Mar 2014 at 8:56

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I'm sorry there is a typo in step 1 : the parameters should be

Left top x [px]: 100
Left top y [px]: 100
Width [px]: 10
Height [px]: 10

Original comment by lechrist...@gmail.com on 21 Mar 2014 at 8:57

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Thank you for reporting this bug. You are right, the error was caused by 
incorrect interpretation of width/right and height/bottom. It should work 
properly now.

Fixed in revision c02cbab7167b. New daily build is now available.

Original comment by zitmen@gmail.com on 21 Mar 2014 at 11:38

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago

Original comment by zitmen@gmail.com on 21 Mar 2014 at 11:39