Has anyone seen this? (Windows 10, C++ MFC, 64 bit machine but 32 bit VS 2013)
---- Only with Logitech webcams. I have several other cameras (PTZOptics and several ELP CCTV) and they do not display the same behavior described below ---
When I issue a
VI.getVideoSettingFilter(iCamera1, VideoProcAmp_Gain, Min, Max, SteppingDelta, CurrVal, CapsFlags, Default);
The CurrVal that was Gain is now diminished by 1. I have seen the same thing with Exposure.
I Get the CurrVal and then, let's say, issue a VI.setVideoSettingFilter to CurrVal+1.
I save CurrVal+1 to a memory variable.
On return to the function, without having done any Set since the one above, the Get will lower the value by 1. As I said, I have only seen this with Exposure and Gain. I have not seen it with Brightness.
Has anyone seen this? (Windows 10, C++ MFC, 64 bit machine but 32 bit VS 2013) ---- Only with Logitech webcams. I have several other cameras (PTZOptics and several ELP CCTV) and they do not display the same behavior described below ---
When I issue a VI.getVideoSettingFilter(iCamera1, VideoProcAmp_Gain, Min, Max, SteppingDelta, CurrVal, CapsFlags, Default);
The CurrVal that was Gain is now diminished by 1. I have seen the same thing with Exposure.
I Get the CurrVal and then, let's say, issue a VI.setVideoSettingFilter to CurrVal+1. I save CurrVal+1 to a memory variable.
On return to the function, without having done any Set since the one above, the Get will lower the value by 1. As I said, I have only seen this with Exposure and Gain. I have not seen it with Brightness.