ofekashery / vertical-stack-in-card

📐 Home Assistant Card: Group multiple cards into a single sleek card.
MIT License
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Séparation horizontale & taille title #102

Closed kweebix closed 3 years ago

kweebix commented 3 years ago

Bonjour alors que j'ai déclaré Horizontal: false Mes deux card se touche quand même une solution ? Pouvons nous changer la taille du titre Screenshot_20210106-005158.jpgScreenshot_20210106-005150__01.jpg

ofekashery commented 3 years ago

Hi @kweebix, The card appears horizontal because you put it inside a horizontal-stack card.

You can change the card titles style with themes:

      ha-card-header-font-size: 14px
kweebix commented 3 years ago

Hi @kweebix, The card appears horizontal because you put it inside a horizontal-stack card.

You can change the card titles style with themes:

      ha-card-header-font-size: 14px

My problem is not that they appear horizontally but that they are stuck horizontally when I didn't ask for it. Thanks for the title tip

ofekashery commented 3 years ago

@kweebix If you do not want it to be stack horizontally, remove the horizontal-stack card. image

kweebix commented 3 years ago

I want it to be horizontal but not stick to each other With vertical-stack-in-card Screenshot_20210106-005150__01.jpg Sans vertical-stack-in-card Screenshot_20210106-105843.jpg