ofekmiz / Habitica-Pomodoro-SiteKeeper

Chrome Extension for Habitica that charges you gp for visiting sites, including a Pomodoro Timer
MIT License
70 stars 8 forks source link

API / 3rd party Break end communication #80

Open LispyStorm opened 2 years ago

LispyStorm commented 2 years ago

I have a Pavlok band and during my extended break I'd like to code it to shock me every 5s. All I would need to implement this is some way of receiving when I've entered my extended break & when I've pressed the button to start my next revision session. Is it possible to set up some sort of system which emails a email that I designate for it to?

ofekmiz commented 2 years ago

Hi @LispyStorm , If you use habitica you can get mobile notifications in the habitica app when break is over, maybe you can use that?

LispyStorm commented 2 years ago

@ofekmiz That what I was thinking, maybe emulate android in order to receive the notification on my pc, but there's no indication on whether I've started the new revision session. It's also quite clunky.

I could use image recognition, using pyautogui & a image match function but that's quite the processing overhead.

ofekmiz commented 2 years ago

@LispyStorm Got it, yes..Habitica PM is a bit clunky, but that's what I have for now as a free solution (and I plan to keep it free). I know there are some 3rd party apps that can send emails and maybe I can make an integration for it. How does the Pavlok band work? does it have an open api? or a local app with Bluetooth?

ofekmiz commented 2 years ago

@LispyStorm Another solution I can think of is maybe with voice recognition (with the end of break and ambient sound) From a google search I found this: www.voicebot.net (free for personal use)

LispyStorm commented 2 years ago

@ofekmiz It has a open API. https://pavlok.com/blog/pavlok-developer-api/ https://pavlok-mvp.herokuapp.com/docs/index.html

It also has a local app with Bluetooth.

I didn't realize you notified Habitica by sending a PM, I'm assuming that means I could use the Habitica API to tell when I get a message instead of running a android emulation.

I don't know how hard it is, but would it be possible to add another option which notifies you by pm when you've started a new revision session?

I think the voice recognition would work. I'll look into it.

LispyStorm commented 2 years ago

Voice recognition would allow me to do the same thing, but I presume other users would like to have different ambient sounds playing and it would be fairly easy to code something that detects the message and stops and starts a custom track on their PC (Avoiding possible copy right infringement.)

ofekmiz commented 2 years ago

@LispyStorm That's a great idea :) I'll look into it. I hope the voice recognition a good workaround for now because it might take a lot of time before I get to this feature.