ofelman / HPIA-Repository-Downloader

The script is designed to create and maintain HP Image Assistant offline repositories with a GUI interface, and to update the repository with scripted runtime options
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[FEATURE REQUEST] INI import - Use included Addons list (in array) to create flag files automatically #11

Open ryanedlund opened 2 years ago

ryanedlund commented 2 years ago

When using a populated INI script file, and when adding new models using the "Use INI List" method, it would be very helpful if it would by default create the Addons flag file populated with the contents of the $v_Softpaqs array in that INI script, if that flag file did not exist previously under that model's repo folder.



ryanedlund commented 2 years ago

While we're at it, would it be possible to modify the behavior that automatically clears $HPModelsTable from that INI script file every time as well? Not sure why we need to do that, as as far as I know that variable/array is only referenced when that "Use INI list" is clicked.