and then declare the completer in the following way:
<ng2-completer [(ngModel)]="min_end" name="min_end" [placeholder]="placeholder_min" [datasource]="dataServiceMinEnd" [minSearchLength]="0" [openOnClick]=true></ng2-completer>
I've tried using [initialValue]="30" or [initialValue]=mins[6] but then only option appearing in dropdown is 30. I want to set the initialValue to 30 but give user the possibility to choose another value. Is it possible?
I have an array of strings called mins filled with values like "00","05","10"..."55". I'm creating dataService for my completer like this:
this.dataServiceMin = completerService.local(mins, 'value','value');
and then declare the completer in the following way:
<ng2-completer [(ngModel)]="min_end" name="min_end" [placeholder]="placeholder_min" [datasource]="dataServiceMinEnd" [minSearchLength]="0" [openOnClick]=true></ng2-completer>
I've tried using [initialValue]="30" or [initialValue]=mins[6] but then only option appearing in dropdown is 30. I want to set the initialValue to 30 but give user the possibility to choose another value. Is it possible?