offensive-security / kali-nethunter

The Kali NetHunter Project
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"NEXUS10" post for Nethunter Issues #176

Closed cr1p70 closed 9 years ago

cr1p70 commented 9 years ago

I thought i would open new thread just for NEXUS10 everything i'm finding is for nexus 7, Now if there are no differences between N7 an N10 then i will just follow the stuff im finding for N7 and apply it to N10 if not then.

Here is what is happening to me on Nexus 10 android 4.4.4 Fresh install of Nethunter used wuggs tool kit to unlock and root then kalinethunter nexus10 Windows installer to install ,but i skipped the unlock as i was already unlocked did everything else followed all it said do and installed fine seems to work fine till i start trying to use nethunter tools

Nethunter has unfortunately stopped working,and will just keep saying that tll i reboot.


if i start ssh and metasploit via gui menu then run metasploit it may or may not load if it does load it will freeze my nexus either go black and reboot or i have to reboot.

wifite will not load via terminal menu,but will load and find wifi card via gui menu.

i can vnc to a kali desktop run armitage but it to will soon freeze and have to reboot

kismit works,wifite works,most of the tools work NP im not sure if tcpdump is working it just pops up then gone instinly same for all tools in that menu.

info tools all work spiderfoot ,recon.ect

opvas don't work.

set tool kit works but did freeze once

not sure if beef is working right.

have tried open vpn yet.

and if i go to settings then create metasploit user and database, only thing i can type is exit and it starts setting up user exit ,password exit, database exit, weird as hell.

here are then newest crash logs. , Pastebin



here is video of what its doing

ohh its upside down some not lol but it still show whats up.

cr1p70 commented 9 years ago

Just did this last night, a complete factory reset an unroot and did complete reinstall of nethunter using only the windows installer skipped all but the last option and installed + root ,went smooth ,and updated all via terminal apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade all good,did chroot update all good, started up metasploit everything good, tried to use it bam froze!

New Crash and log found errors here is log: running out of memory how in tha!

cr1p70 commented 9 years ago

i cannot set RAM to 468435456 from 268435456 in /system/bin/bootkali ,Ive tried changing file permission's,i've tied opening it like this cd /system/bin, nano bootkali I can edit the file just cant save the file, always says file is read-only tried with su nano, sudo su nano tried vi cant save the file.. was trying to follow your directions from another post about RAM but just cant seem to get it out of read-only so i can edit an save it with new ram specs.

i will keep trying.

binkybear commented 9 years ago
mount -o remount,rw /system /system

This will allow you to edit bootkali by making /system writeable.

cr1p70 commented 9 years ago

thx binky, got file changed i will see what happens thx again..

update: changed bootkali file for more RAM ,then change permissions back, rebooted, its way faster BUT started nethunter, kali menu,ticked metasploit service on, opened a terminal msfconsole loads up, start doing something ,anything with it ,and it freezes sits there for about 1 min 2 min then reboot so far all last_kmsg logs coming up 0 bytes.

binkybear commented 9 years ago

cr1p70 - Does the screen go black or does it reboot? If the screen goes black it might be a terminal issue.

Also, I can try turning on swapping for you and we can test if that would work. Would you be willing to try a new kernel?

binkybear commented 9 years ago

Let me update, I just checked the Nexus 10 and swapping is on. So it's possible to add a swap file

cr1p70 commented 9 years ago

yes screen does go black and reboots after some time, sometimes it don't i have to reboot.

OH yes most defiantly will try ,i'm very baffled as to why this is happening so anything to solve it ill help out.

and yes i was going ask you ,bout a swap file, i was thinking hy not try that its a linux file system it should work.

cr1p70 commented 9 years ago

UPDATE: Ok i put a swap file of 1gb, and were off so far so good no crash as of yet Binky. i will run if for a few see how it gos then ill post up little tut on howto fix,or what happens so give me hr or so..

And always much appreciated help bro. not for your help my brain still be on fire lol.

update:well seemed to be working but it has done it again went blank black screen but did run way better and i could use it, but has just rebooted let check see if there's a log.

well cant get to a root shell,no matter what after it reboot itself, rebooting manualy here is new log but its all in chinese????

,this is that last crash log translated from google to english this crazy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

dam i thought we had it to. i will try and set ram back to 268 see what happens,then ill try and double the swap to 2 gig see what happens +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Update 2: Ok i'm convinced this a RAM issue and that the swap is absolutely needed, 1 gig or higher swap file,i haven't did my test yet as stated above i forgot after each reboot to turn swapon, cant change fstab for some reason to make it auto start yet but thats's another day.

so i tried again an since then its been pretty positive have had metasploit up for sometime no crash,kismet as well no crash,it is very demanding on ram or swap, heavy so i think i will up the swap,After i set Ram back to stock i keep this swap size see how it go, if all good i keep, if not we try the 1.5 to 2 gig swap see how it is,or we come back to these settings with higher ram and swap.

SO in summery it needs that SWAP FILE at least 1gig.

here is a pic of swap usage img_20150227_023723

cr1p70 commented 9 years ago

Much Respect! and Thanks! gos out to Binkybear for the Help in Resolving this issue...


How to fix metasploit and other tools crashing on nexus 10

1-First off we follow these directions from to unlock/root/install Kali Nethunter to our Nexus 10.

Install With windows installer 2-Open installer follow directions ,Now we install Google drivers once installed properly & you turn USB debugging "ON" Hit "about tablet,hit build number 7 times, go back open developer options check USB Debugging is ON if not check the box and a box will pop up on tablet just check that box.

3-Now go and cut "MTU OFF", on your Nexus10 go to Settings ,storage ,upper right hand corner 3 little dots click them "uncheck MTU"

Make Sure DRIVERS install correctly! an USB Debugging ON!,an MTU OFF! OR!
youre-going-to-have-a-bad-time-54b187940239e quoteing this pic on a tut for kalipwn on another forum,forum user posted shit was funny but true!!

Now your Install will go smooth .

4-so with that out the way we Hit Next and Follow the rest of the directions in the Installer, if you have all ready unlocked your nexus10, then you can skip UNLOCK if you are already Stock android you can skip GO BACK TO STOCK as well . & hit INSTALL+ROOT But If you are NOT unlocked an stock then you need to follow ALL instructions!

Once you Have Kali Installed,Reboot.

5-Now its time to Update,Start postgresql First before updating because of metasploit, "Service postgresql start" then you can apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade and chroot update kali

6-OK, so that's done. now to get Metasploit and other Ram intensive Tool's to run properly we need to make a swap Partition on our Nexus10,

we open terminal type "Su" without quotes that will put us in a ADB Shell root@manta: we don't want that, so type "bootkali" an it will put us in a Kali shell,, root@kali if it don't say root@kali you need to reboot and do it again or it wont work.

Ok Swap file is recommended to be stored in /var and we will call it : “swapnethunter.img”, also we must set file permissions to 600 so none of the other users could use or read the file, this can cause problems to the system memory.

Write following commands:

root@kali:/# cd /var root@kali:/var# touch swapnethunter.img root@kali:/var# chmod 600 swapnethunter.img

Step 3. Set size for the Swap file

Now you should set Swap size , Swap can be set to 1Gb, if you have 1Gb of Ram, swap can be set to 2Gb,1Gb of swap, should be enough RAM.

Now we will fill the swap file with some size,and we will fill it with 1Gb of memory, follow the commands:

root@kali:/var# dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swapnethunter.img bs=1024k count=1000 1000+0 records in 1000+0 records out 1048576000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 4.0868896 s, 287 MB/s

After command, we will have to wait a minute, and we will get the results that bytes have been copied and at what speed rate.

Step 4. Initialize Swap filesystem

Follow the commands:

root@kali:/var# mkswap /var/swapnethunter.img

[code]Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1020 GiB no label, UUID=72761533-4bbe-316g-v02e-c0ssbe4cfdf2[/code]

If you got similar result, it means that swap was initialized.

Step 5. Enable Swap

To enable swap we will have just to turn it on, to check if it’s enabled type "free" root@kali:/var# swapon /var/swapnethunter.img

Now you will have to type that last command in, each and every boot till i can figure out how to auto run it for your swap file to be activated on each boot. .

Now Metasploit and few other things that had problems will work as they should without crashing,

You can also read above to be able to change the ram specs on nexus10 from 268 to 468 if you need to, so far i changed to and have left as 468 and no problems.

any problems just post up here i'm no guru but i will do my best to help out...

By the way this my first Tutorial ever! so give me some slack if not perfect lol hope it helps someone..

Again Much Respect! and Thanks! gos out to Binkybear. for the Help in Resolving this issue. .

binkybear commented 9 years ago

cr1p70 - Thanks for doing that write up. The problem, as far as I can tell, seems limited to N7 2012 and the N10 based on your description. I'm not sure if this something we will need to include a swap install in the setup process, but for the future this is a great reference and helpful post.

Thanks for your tireless testing. I'm going to close this issue but feel free to let me know if you run into any more issues.

cr1p70 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for that NP was happy to do it. ok N7 2012 an N10's i'll check it out on n7 2012 also it just arrived in mail. I'm about to buy a n7 2013 4g model so ill give them both a look see. thx again Binky

cr1p70 commented 9 years ago

Thanks Binky ..

On Feb 25, 2015 10:54 PM, "binkybear" wrote:

su mount -o remount,rw /system /system

This will allow you to edit bootkali by making /system writeable.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

zvanderbilt commented 9 years ago

Im having a problem running out of memory on my nexus 5. I was trying the above fix, but I get an error at swapon which basically says the function is not implemented. Is it just a matter of kernel support for the different devices?

binkybear commented 9 years ago

@zvanderbilt - I just need to build a kernel with swap enabled but you would have to do the steps above to generate a swap image. The previous builds did not have swap enabled.

Which version of android are you using? 4.4.4 or 5+

zvanderbilt commented 9 years ago

That would be awesome. I am using 5.1.1.