Closed SonorousMeerkat closed 4 years ago
On a side note, this will also allow me to refamilliarise myself with the templates after their changes in preparation for creating a woodland set for use on Chernarus, Livonia and any similar temperate maps.
Meerkat and I have been discussing an improvement to templates, but also trying to clarify exactly what information they should be sending back to the server to create the appropriate mission.
One idea he had was to create MODtemplates for system mods like ACE and TFAR. Instead of filling initVar with conditions that are always looking for these mods every step of the way, we simply call the MODtemplate for ACE at the very end.
The ACE MODtemplate then says "oh you need these items added to unlocks, these items added to loot lists, and finally I use these settings and tweaks.
This would dramatically reduce the size and complexity of initVar, and would make adding support for additional mods very easy.
Currently the changes I laid out will be completed in 2 phases, and thus 2 separate pulls: Phase 1 will be the changes to teamplayer including starting weapons, grenades and vests. Phase 2 will be the rewrite for the AFRF Templates
Further from this i will begin creating a new set of standardized loadouts named based on the environment that they are suited for, Arid, Temperate and Tropical.
A further standardization proposal is for the filenames: Side_Environment_Mod_Faction.sqf For example Teamplayer_Arid_RHS_NAPA.sqf for the altis greenfor rebels
this saves us the barbolani names like teamplayerVanilla.sqf / teamplayerVanillaAltis / teamplayerVanillaAltisB
I would suggest to use Mod-Side-Environment-Faction - basically switch the position of Mod to the first place because most of the time you would work on them because for example the Mod updated. Makes in my eyes a little bit more sense in terms of organisation.
Seems fair to me, i considered having the game logic side be in the names too, Opfor, Blufor, Indfor. so you can tell blufor teamplayer templates apart slightly better if you aren't familiar with the faction names for all of the mods integrated.
Something like this?
Under bob's idea, RHS_Teamplayer_Ind_Arid_NAPA
maybe we should work on fixing super misleading variable names like 'teamPlayer' and 'prestigeBLUFOR' before we go trying to create a working naming scheme with broken names.
Also, I personally think we should STOP calling templates from within templates. While having a template check 'side teamplayer = independant............' DOES mean that we have less templates in initVar, it ALSO means its a goddamn nightmare finding specifically where a particular template might be called.
Potayto potaato, the template to template jumps are a barbolani thing that i nicked because i was copying files when i made 3cb
And, tbf, if the names are changed the way i had them it would be a simple fix to update them or you could bundle that with your initVAR/template stuff?
I would like to do it as a separate PR just for the sake of proper debugging. I already have to test every possible combination because of how much I changed.
If I have to do that all over again, I would like to know I'm doing it on a stable platform.
I have made a project that outlines what all that i want to do and in what order i intend to do it.
@SonorousMeerkat Is this covered by your project? If so, please connect the two.
Some yes, some no. The gear (vests and rebel) is already pulled as per my project. The units are in progress. The new loot is Pot's system.
Please connect it to your project and close it when the rest is implemented.
@SonorousMeerkat Do we still need this issue as a separate one? It's gonna be fixed by the template overhaul either way if not already happened.
Confirmed as dealt with by Meerkat
So I missed a few things during the RHS update that i want to address. There are a bunch of new explosives and mines that should be added to their respective ammoboxes as well as a general rewrite of the units that the AFRF use. (currently only the navy is used) I also want to move the starting vests stuff into templates to reduce vanilla gear use in modded games where there is plenty of added equipment to use. And to top it off, there are a load of new grenades that the Rebels could have access to, including but not limited to, a Willy Pete grenade and various grenades of WW2 vintage.
I will start this work as soon as Pot finishes hit template changes.