officinerobotiche / ros_orbus_interface

Interface to control all board with orbus. uNav, RoboController, Motion Controller, ...
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Feature/harware interface #20

Closed rbonghi closed 9 years ago

rbonghi commented 9 years ago

New node to control unav by ros.

Now the new node will use ROS_CONTROL

To start a controller you can start with the ros control manager

rosrun controller_manager unspawner name1 name2 name3


  1. Configure associated yaml file in folder config
  2. To write this code I'm following the code in @husky project
  3. Switch control mode hardware to switch type of control for unav:
rbonghi commented 9 years ago

To do:

rbonghi commented 9 years ago
// Declare these as member variables of your class:
hardware_interface::JointModeInterface jm_interface_;
int joint_mode_;

// Add this to your hardware interface's constructor:
jm_interface_.registerHandle(hardware_interface::JointModeHandle("joint_mode", &joint_mode_)); 

With joint_mode_ I've an information about type of controller loaded. TO BE CHECKED