officinerobotiche / uNAV.X

Project MPLABX for drive uNAV on dsPIC33
MIT License
9 stars 2 forks source link

Split library communication #43

Closed rbonghi closed 9 years ago

rbonghi commented 9 years ago

For the new version of serial communication "orb" library. I think to move in a new library all code for serial communication.

This update is a first step to build a library for other boards.

rbonghi commented 9 years ago

With e17743874b27f30dd2a9d0d8bc8288ffc3b57ea7

we have a new repository: with all commands to control serial communication.

Now we must clone the repository to work with this repository. I suggest:

mkdir officine_robotiche
cd officine_robotiche
git clone
cd or_bus_c.X
git checkout develop
cd ../
git clone
cd uNAV.X
git checkcout develop

Finally you have a new operative project