offish / twitchtube

Twitch YouTube bot. Automatically make video compilations of the most viewed Twitch clips and upload them to YouTube using Python 3.
MIT License
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[Error] Could not find 'clips' in response #46

Closed tompointexe closed 3 years ago

tompointexe commented 3 years ago

Hi, just updated to the new version and i'm getting this error when i want to make a new video, here is the error

C:\Users\MyUser\Desktop\twitchtube> python "c mychannel, c friend1channel, c friend2channel, c friend3channel, c friend4channel" --duration 10.5 --resolution 1080 1920
twitchtube | 17:45:27 - info: Running twitchtube at v1.6.0
twitchtube | 17:45:27 - info: Starting to make video with 5 streamers/games
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\User\Desktop\twitchtube\", line 82, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\User\Desktop\twitchtube\twitchtube\", line 91, in make_video
    new_clips, new_ids = get_clips(
  File "C:\Users\User\Desktop\twitchtube\twitchtube\", line 128, in get_clips
    raise WrongKrakenResponse(f"Could not find 'clips' in response. {response}")
twitchtube.exceptions.WrongKrakenResponse: Could not find 'clips' in response. {'clips': [], '_cursor': ''}
offish commented 3 years ago

This might be because there are no clips in the given period. You can add --period "week" and see if it works then. What are the channels, language and period you are using now?

offish commented 3 years ago

Does updating to v1.6.1 fix this issue?

tompointexe commented 3 years ago

Nope ... but seems to go futher

C:\Users\User\Desktop\twitchtube-1.6.1>python "c mychannel, c friend1channel, c friend2channel, c friend3channel, c friend4channel" --duration 10.5 --resolution 1080 1920 --period "week"
twitchtube | 18:29:40 - info: You're running the latest version of twitchtube at 1.6.1
twitchtube | 18:29:41 - info: You're running the latest version of opplast at 1.0.6
twitchtube | 18:29:41 - info: Going to make video featuring 5 streamers/games, that will end up being ~126.0 seconds long
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\User\Desktop\twitchtube-1.6.1\", line 76, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\User\Desktop\twitchtube-1.6.1\twitchtube\", line 120, in make_video
    new_clips, new_ids = get_clips(
  File "C:\Users\User\Desktop\twitchtube-1.6.1\twitchtube\", line 131, in get_clips
    raise WrongKrakenResponse(f"Could not find 'clips' in response. {response}")
twitchtube.exceptions.WrongKrakenResponse: Could not find 'clips' in response. {'clips': [], '_cursor': ''}
offish commented 3 years ago

Have you specified language in the config? Which channels are you trying to get?

tompointexe commented 3 years ago

Language specified, twitch client id & oauth too Ok so tryed with only one streamler that have clips, it works, it seems that the script doesen't have a if there is no clip skip the channel kind of thing

offish commented 3 years ago

Nope, will be fixed in a later update.

tompointexe commented 3 years ago

ok :) thanks for your help, i'l wait till this update :)