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WIP: Offline Camp Oregon 2019 #213

Closed kidfribble closed 5 years ago

kidfribble commented 5 years ago

I archived 2017 Oregon files, made temp language replacements, updated the typeform url, and commented out schedule for the time being. When I have updated CoC text (if it exists - if not I can write the updates in for review) and FAQ, I'll add those to this.

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@kidfribble I think you may have made your CoC and FAQ changes to the docs in the oregon-2017 folder instead of the 2019 site. Am I reading that right?

kidfribble commented 5 years ago

@terichadbourne whoops - good catch!

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@kidfribble Do you want me to try to move those edits to the right (2019) files and revert the changes to the 2017 docs? Or are you already working on that fix?

Stuff we need to do before merging this:

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@kidfribble Thanks for all the work on this. Proofing now and see these little bugs or areas for potential improvement. Let me know if you disagree on any of these suggestions.

Anything marked with a πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ is something I think you should be the one doing. Other stuff I could potentially take care of if you're more strapped for time than I am. Let me know what works.


These suggestions apply only to the 2017 archive so are less urgent:

kidfribble commented 5 years ago

@terichadbourne the only thing not changed from above is:

I'm not sure what to do about this right now. We can't hold the money in Ti.To?

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@kidfribble If you want to ensure you don't get any money funneled to you, we could remove the option to donate to the fund (listed here on the website and in the Typeform application) temporarily until we (hopefully) get set up with Technocation. I assume we'll lose at least a week or two to getting set up with a bank account and connecting Tito to it. Would you prefer that? (No, I don't think Tito will hold money.)

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@kidfribble I just removed the links to the scholarship and put "(coming soon)" notes by those references.

The phone number in the written driving directions (/camp/assets/directions-to-offline-camp-oregon.pdf) is old so I'll need to redo that PDF and update the links to it from the FAQ, but I don't consider that urgent.

I made a few small wording changes throughout (mostly FAQ) where I found more outdated info or found ways to seem more beginner friendly.

Let me know what you think of the layout on the team page now. I slightly tweaked the CSS so it shows 2 across instead of 3 (which is nicely balanced while we have 4 people) and wraps to stacked on mobile. Previously it was staying at 3 across the top and one on bottom and shrinking the images very small to keep that layout. If you hate this plan I can revert it for you.

crtr0 commented 5 years ago

One the /camp page:

We’re developers interested in making our apps work without constant internet connection.

should be

We’re developers interested in making our apps work without a constant internet connection.

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

Just fixed that @crtr0.

@bradley-holt are you still proofing?

@kidfribble Let me know if there's anything in my last two little commits you don't like - it's mostly cleanup.

From my perspective the things remaining to do to the site before we merge and launch are:

bradley-holt commented 5 years ago

@terichadbourne LGTM! My only very minor comments:

On the FAQ page, I would suggest striking part of this:

~those who identify as~ members of groups typically underrepresented at tech events

Also, should we assert that we will not be identifying scholarship recipients to other campers? For example:

Scholarships recipients will not be identified to other campers.

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@bradley-holt I'd be comfortable with that first change.

Where in the current phrasing (I assume somewhere in the scholarship section) were you thinking of adding that new statement? If we include it, I'd love to make it better fit the casual tone.

Maybe adding something like this to the end of the section?

Please don't let your financial circumstances keep you from applying to camp. Just reach out with any questions. (And don't worry, how much you pay to attend Offline Camp is just between us.)

bradley-holt commented 5 years ago

@terichadbourne Works for me.

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

I just updated pricing /early bird stuff and made some changes to the FAQ to make it easier to navigate. @bradley-holt or @kidfribble could you please take a look? I think this gets us to a point I'm comfortable with for launch.

bradley-holt commented 5 years ago

@terichadbourne LGTM