For optimal accessibility, we will source the colors of the various KPI values from with the 99% set (17 colors since we have to remove the white).
The 99% looks like a good compromise to have many color but still support a fair amount of the population. Going to 99.9% makes no sense since we will have more than 17 series anyway in a lot of situation and we will hence have to reuse the color, so the risk of confusion in graphics is "by design".
For optimal accessibility, we will source the colors of the various KPI values from with the 99% set (17 colors since we have to remove the white).
The 99% looks like a good compromise to have many color but still support a fair amount of the population. Going to 99.9% makes no sense since we will have more than 17 series anyway in a lot of situation and we will hence have to reuse the color, so the risk of confusion in graphics is "by design".
For now the colors will be randomly selected.