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Too many unused filed #33

Closed kelson42 closed 6 years ago

kelson42 commented 6 years ago we should really removed them if they are really unused

florentk commented 6 years ago

I think that files are really used, counter-example : File:Female_Red-backed_Fairywren_samsonvale.JPG used by Red-backed_fairywren. Just backlinks are not updated (I've not execute completly refreshLink because it's so ... long)

kelson42 commented 6 years ago

Ok, it is important to provide a coherent instance of mediawiki, even if it takes longer

florentk commented 6 years ago

@kelson42 It seem that unused files are now really unused files. I see to reduce this list

florentk commented 6 years ago

there are 470 for FR, 825 for EN, many flags

florentk commented 6 years ago

@kelson42 il y a quand même des problèmes, par exemple Modèle:Infobox_Montagne utilise Fichier:Pic_du_Midi_du_Bigorre.jpg , mais indiqué comme non utilisé

florentk commented 6 years ago

@kelson42 il y aussi des doublons (liés à une redirection)