offspot / wikifundi

Create a pre-configured Mediawiki for offline Wikipedia contribution teaching
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Links at the bottom of the software #48

Closed Anthere closed 6 years ago

Anthere commented 6 years ago

Those links currently are Politique de confidentialité À propos de WikiFundi Avertissements Version mobile

They should be Projet:WikiFundi Contenu/WikiFundi:À propos Projet:WikiFundi Contenu/WikiFundi:Avertissements généraux Projet:WikiFundi Contenu/WikiFundi:Nous contacter Projet:WikiFundi Contenu/WikiFundi:Crédits Version mobile

I remember that last year, I had to tweak something directly on the host wiki to make that work. But I do not remember what... Any pointer would be welcome. Kelson, do you remember which page on MediaWiki explained how to do that ?

This is not urgent, but needs to be done before the final export

florentk commented 6 years ago

@Anthere for existing links you can modify title and url, as explained here :

And I will add two not existing link:

As exsting link, to activate and custom this new links, you must create four pages : MediaWiki:Credit, MediaWiki:Creditpage, MediaWiki:Contact and MediaWiki:Contactpage

florentk commented 6 years ago

fixed in f9e8a06

Anthere commented 6 years ago

Deux liens ont disparu de la version de dev : les contacts et les crédits....

Anthere commented 6 years ago

kelson42 commented 6 years ago

This was a problem during the integration, not with WikiFundi itself.