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Adding licences list when importing an image #56

Closed Anthere closed 5 years ago

Anthere commented 6 years ago

As is

The list is available in the preferencesécial:Préférences#mw-prefsection-uploads but is not available in the dropdown manu when uploading pictures

florentk commented 6 years ago

@Anthere @kelson42 I think we must add "MediaWiki:Licenses" in mirroring list pages

Anthere commented 6 years ago

We have a problem. The list of proposed licences is the very restricted one proposed on Wikipedia. It should be the list proposed on Wikimedia Commons

florentk commented 6 years ago

@Anthere I see, but I can not take that in Wikimedia Common, but we can create the MediaWiki:Licenses page in the Wikifundi content to create our custom version

Anthere commented 6 years ago

Let's do that ! I'll be happy with a set of 4-6 most used licenses/PD to get the ball rolling, plus the option "I have no idea what a licence is" or "I do not know what the the licence of this media is" type of approach.

Anthere commented 6 years ago

I could not fix that in Frencht. I searched for a MediaWiki:Licenses page or MediaWiki:Licenses pages on Wikipedia but could not find anything under that name. I search on MediaWiki but did not find those pages either. Any better pointer ? If not, you will have to fix that yourself...

florentk commented 6 years ago

@Anthere I thinks that is this page : You can copy content in ?

Anthere commented 6 years ago

French :

English :

Anthere commented 6 years ago

Florent, I tried to change the content of the English licences (which I put at; It does not make any difference so I am obviously not using the right "url". Where should the English licences be put ?

florentk commented 6 years ago

@Anthere oups, little language subtlety, the good page is (with S after n)

Anthere commented 6 years ago

gnnnnn. Stupid me. Need more coffee...

Should be fine now.

Anthere commented 6 years ago

Modifications made on 9th of July not integrated into current version (based on 8th of July). Final version needs to pick up a fresh version of the WikiFundi content on Wikipedia.

florentk commented 6 years ago

This concerns FR or EN ? What is the good sources pages ?

Anthere commented 6 years ago

Both languages. None of the pages have been imported (in both languages, they have been created on the 9th, AFTER the archive was done). For example, in English : should be the right version. But it is still the old version you made. Also, all pages that are templates of the licences are missing, such as

Same for French version. The pages were made on Wikipedia FR and EN. But the archive being older than all those changes, the pages were not imported, hence licenses not working.

florentk commented 6 years ago

I see any difference between and

Anthere commented 6 years ago

It was because the content of the sim was not from the bot. It was updated by myself when I was testing.

kelson42 commented 5 years ago

@Anthere I'm not sure I fully understand the problem, but can you please point out the exact list of articles missing on and ? Like @florentk said, things seem properly migrated!

Anthere commented 5 years ago

The problem existed because the content had been migrated on the 8th of July whilst the pages had been created on the 9th of July. So obviously, it was not the right content. I just checked. The pages have been properly imported on the openzim in French and English. I tried an import and everything was under order. The right page has been uploaded on the 19th of September... So crossing fingers, this issue can now be closed.