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Set up of an admin account on the wiki #57

Closed Anthere closed 6 years ago

Anthere commented 6 years ago

It should be as is

Les​ ​identifiants​ ​du​ ​compte​ ​administrateur​ ​sont Nom​ ​utilisateur​ ​:​ ​​admin Mot​ ​de​ ​passe​ ​:​ ​​adminadmin

Anthere commented 6 years ago

Note, obviously, there is an admin account. However, the password is not the one defined last year (and currently distributed in user guide). We better stick to exactly the same password to avoid running into problemsécial:Liste_des_utilisateurs

florentk commented 6 years ago

Ok actuellement le compte administrateur est Nom d'utilisateur : Admin Mot de passe : wikiadmin Je vais le modifier pour que se soit admin / adminadmin

florentk commented 6 years ago

fixed in bfff468