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File no uploaded in the English WF resource page (File:Wikiversity-logo.svg) #74

Closed Anthere closed 6 years ago

Anthere commented 6 years ago

One miniature generation broken

florentk commented 6 years ago

I got this error on uploading while mirroring : APIError: verification-error: Cannot upload SVG files that contain a non-standard DTD declaration. [help:See http://localhost/w/api.php for API usage. Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes.; details:['upload-scripted-dtd']]

I try do upload with web interface, I got a similar error : Impossible de téléverser des fichiers SVG qui contiennent une déclaration de DTD non standard.

florentk commented 6 years ago

@kelson42 @Anthere I check the original file on Wikimedia Common, it contain a bad DTD (to old) : The correct DTD is "". I can't modify this file because the image is protected :( I'am writting a post in discussion page. But wainting, I had modified the SVG and uploaded on FR and EN wikifundi to get arround this issue

florentk commented 6 years ago

florentk commented 6 years ago

I remplaced the file in Ressource page on Wikiepedia FR and EN (we use now Wikiversity-logo-correct.svg), but other page use it ...

florentk commented 6 years ago

Finnaly I created redirections pages :