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Thumb creation error : 'convert: no decode delegate for this image format' #75

Closed florentk closed 6 years ago

florentk commented 6 years ago

Error for this file :édia_en_classe.pdf

florentk commented 6 years ago

@kelson The PDF file contain errors when I lauch GS to create a JPG image, I got :

   **** Error: Unknown operator: '0.00-40', processed as number, value: 0.0
                Output may be incorrect.
   **** Error: Unknown operator: '0.00-40', processed as number, value: 0.0
                Output may be incorrect.
   **** Error: Unknown operator: '0.0000-10498687', processed as number, value: 0.0
                Output may be incorrect.

Then, GS put theses errors to std output !! And Convert can't read the generated JPEG correctly : /usr/bin/gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=- -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -dSAFER -r150 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q /var/www/html/w/images/0/08/Wikipédia_en_classe.pdf | convert -depth 8 -quality 95 -resize 320 - /tmp/transform_2159db7c3f5d.jpg

The solution is add -sstdout=%stderr to GS command put I can't configure that for PdfHandler ...

@Anthere : The easiest is modify the PDF to not have an error.

florentk commented 6 years ago

@kelson42 Finnaly, I write a hack in Dockerfile :

{ \
  mv /usr/bin/gs /usr/bin/gs9-20 ; \
  echo '/usr/bin/gs9-20 -sstdout=%stderr $@' > /usr/bin/gs ; \
  chmod a+x /usr/bin/gs ; \
florentk commented 6 years ago

fixed in 7008f92