ogame-tbot / TBot

OGame bot
81 stars 35 forks source link

failed to find all resource settings #90

Closed thstorm closed 2 years ago

thstorm commented 2 years ago


i am always getting the following error when running Tbot:

[16:56:16|Info|Brain] Running AutoMine on Helgoland [P:1:484:1]
[16:56:16|Debug|Tbot] Exception: An error has occurred: Status: error - Message: failed to find all resource settings
[16:56:16|Warning|Tbot] Stacktrace:    at Tbot.Services.OgamedService.GetResourceSettings(Planet planet)
   at Tbot.Program.UpdatePlanet(Celestial planet, UpdateTypes UpdateTypes)
[16:56:16|Warning|Tbot] An error has occurred. Skipping update

Any suggestions how to fix?

Here is my settings.json

    "Credentials": {
        "Universe": "XXX",
        "Email": "XXX",
        "Password": "XXX",
        "Language": "de",
        "LobbyPioneers": false,
        "BasicAuth": {
            "Username": "",
            "Password": ""
    "General": {
        "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
        "Host": "",
        "Port": "8282",
        "Proxy": {
            "Enabled": false,
            "Address": "",
            "Type": "socks5",
            "Username": "",
            "Password": "",
            "LoginOnly": true
        "CaptchaAPIKey": "",
        "CookiesPath": "cookies.txt",
        "CustomTitle": "",
        "SlotsToLeaveFree": 1
    "SleepMode": {
        "Active": true,
        "GoToSleep": "23:15",
        "WakeUp": "07:05",
        "PreventIfThereAreFleets": true,
        "TelegramMessenger": {
            "Active": false
        "AutoFleetSave": {
            "Active": true,
            "OnlyMoons": true,
            "ForceUnsafe": true,
            "DeutToLeave": 200000,
            "Recall": true,
            "DefaultMission": "Deploy"
    "Defender": {
        "Active": true,
        "CheckIntervalMin": 1,
        "CheckIntervalMax": 22,
        "IgnoreProbes": true,
        "IgnoreMissiles": true,
        "IgnoreWeakAttack": false,
        "WeakAttackRatio": 3,
        "Autofleet": {
            "Active": true,
            "TelegramMessenger": {
                "Active": true
        "WhiteList": [
        "SpyAttacker": {
            "Active": true,
            "Probes": 20
        "MessageAttacker": {
            "Active": false,
            "Messages": [
                "i'm online'"
        "TelegramMessenger": {
            "Active": false
        "Alarm": {
            "Active": true
    "Brain": {
        "Active": true,
        "AutoMine": {
            "Active": true,
            "MaxMetalMine": 40,
            "MaxCrystalMine": 35,
            "MaxDeuteriumSynthetizer": 37,
            "MaxSolarPlant": 20,
            "MaxFusionReactor": 20,
            "MaxMetalStorage": 13,
            "MaxCrystalStorage": 12,
            "MaxDeuteriumTank": 11,
            "MaxRoboticsFactory": 10,
            "MaxShipyard": 12,
            "MaxResearchLab": 12,
            "MaxMissileSilo": 0,
            "MaxNaniteFactory": 7,
            "MaxTerraformer": 8,
            "MaxSpaceDock": 7,
            "MaxLunarBase": 8,
            "MaxLunarShipyard": 0,
            "MaxLunarRoboticsFactory": 8,
            "MaxSensorPhalanx": 6,
            "MaxJumpGate": 1,
            "Transports": {
                "Active": false,
                "CargoType": "SmallCargo",
                "DeutToLeave": 1000000,
                "RoundResources": true,
                "Origin": {
                    "Galaxy": 3,
                    "System": 333,
                    "Position": 8,
                    "Type": "Moon"
            "RandomOrder": true,
            "Exclude": [
                    "Galaxy": 3,
                    "System": 333,
                    "Position": 15,
                    "Type": "Planet"
            "OptimizeForStart": true,
            "PrioritizeRobotsAndNanites": false,
            "BuildDepositIfFull": false,
            "DepositHours": 6,
            "MaxDaysOfInvestmentReturn": 7,
            "DeutToLeaveOnMoons": 1000000,
            "CheckIntervalMin": 10,
            "CheckIntervalMax": 20
        "AutoResearch": {
            "Active": true,
            "MaxEnergyTechnology": 20,
            "MaxLaserTechnology": 12,
            "MaxIonTechnology": 5,
            "MaxHyperspaceTechnology": 20,
            "MaxPlasmaTechnology": 20,
            "MaxCombustionDrive": 19,
            "MaxImpulseDrive": 17,
            "MaxHyperspaceDrive": 15,
            "MaxEspionageTechnology": 8,
            "MaxComputerTechnology": 20,
            "MaxAstrophysics": 23,
            "MaxIntergalacticResearchNetwork": 12,
            "MaxWeaponsTechnology": 25,
            "MaxShieldingTechnology": 25,
            "MaxArmourTechnology": 25,
            "Target": {
                "Galaxy": 3,
                "System": 333,
                "Position": 8,
                "Type": "Planet"
            "Transports": {
                "Active": false,
                "CargoType": "SmallCargo",
                "DeutToLeave": 1000000,
                "RoundResources": true,
                "Origin": {
                    "Galaxy": 3,
                    "System": 333,
                    "Position": 8,
                    "Type": "Moon"
            "OptimizeForStart": true,
            "EnsureExpoSlots": true,
            "PrioritizeAstrophysics": true,
            "PrioritizePlasmaTechnology": true,
            "PrioritizeEnergyTechnology": true,
            "PrioritizeIntergalacticResearchNetwork": true,
            "CheckIntervalMin": 10,
            "CheckIntervalMax": 20
        "AutoCargo": {
            "Active": false,
            "ExcludeMoons": true,
            "CargoType": "LargeCargo",
            "RandomOrder": true,
            "MaxCargosToBuild": 50,
            "MaxCargosToKeep": 50,
            "LimitToCapacity": true,
            "SkipIfIncomingTransport": true,
            "Exclude": [
                    "Galaxy": 3,
                    "System": 333,
                    "Position": 15,
                    "Type": "Moon"
            "CheckIntervalMin": 60,
            "CheckIntervalMax": 240
        "AutoRepatriate": {
            "Active": false,
            "ExcludeMoons": false,
            "MinimumResources": 1000000,
            "LeaveDeut": {
                "OnlyOnMoons": true,
                "DeutToLeave": 1000000
            "Target": {
                "Galaxy": 5,
                "System": 63,
                "Position": 8,
                "Type": "Moon"
            "CargoType": "LargeCargo",
            "RandomOrder": true,
            "SkipIfIncomingTransport": true,
            "Exclude": [
                    "Galaxy": 3,
                    "System": 333,
                    "Position": 15,
                    "Type": "Planet"
            "CheckIntervalMin": 30,
            "CheckIntervalMax": 60
        "BuyOfferOfTheDay": {
            "Active": false,
            "CheckIntervalMin": 240,
            "CheckIntervalMax": 360
    "Expeditions": {
        "Active": true,
        "PrimaryShip": "LargeCargo",
        "MinPrimaryToSend": 1,
        "PrimaryToKeep": 20,
        "SecondaryShip": "Null",
        "MinSecondaryToSend": 0,
        "SecondaryToPrimaryRatio": 2,
        "ManualShips": {
            "Active": false,
            "Ships": {
                "LargeCargo": 1300,
                "LightFighter": 26000,
                "Reaper": 1,
                "Pathfinder": 1,
                "EspionageProbe": 1
        "WaitForAllExpeditions": false,
        "WaitForMajorityOfExpeditions": false,
        "SplitExpeditionsBetweenSystems": {
            "Active": true,
            "Range": 1
        "RandomizeOrder": true,
        "FuelToCarry": 20000,
        "Origin": [
                "Galaxy": 1,
                "System": 484,
                "Position": 8,
                "Type": "Planet"
    "AutoFarm": {
        "Active": false,
        "ExcludeMoons": true,
        "ScanRange": [
                "Galaxy": 2,
                "StartSystem": 360,
                "EndSystem": 420
        "Exclude": [
                "Galaxy": 3,
                "System": 3,
                "Planet": 3
        "KeepReportFor": 180,
        "NumProbes": 10,
        "Origin": [
                "Galaxy": 2,
                "System": 396,
                "Position": 4,
                "Type": "Planet"
        "TargetsProbedBeforeAttack": 30,
        "CargoType": "LargeCargo",
        "FleetSpeed": 100,
        "MinCargosToKeep": 0,
        "MinCargosToSend": 25,
        "CargoSurplusPercentage": 10,
        "BuildCargos": false,
        "BuildProbes": false,
        "MinimumResources": 1000000,
        "MinimumPlayerRank": 500,
        "MaxFlightTime": 7200,
        "MaxWaitTime": 7200,
        "MinLootFuelRatio": 0.5,
        "PreferedResource": "",
        "SlotsToLeaveFree": 1,
        "CheckIntervalMin": 30,
        "CheckIntervalMax": 60
    "AutoHarvest": {
        "Active": true,
        "HarvestOwnDF": true,
        "HarvestDeepSpace": true,
        "MinimumResourcesOwnDF": 300,
        "MinimumResourcesDeepSpace": 50000,
        "CheckIntervalMin": 30,
        "CheckIntervalMax": 60
    "AutoColonize": {
        "Active": false,
        "Origin": {
            "Galaxy": 5,
            "System": 64,
            "Position": 8,
            "Type": "Planet"
        "SlotsToLeaveFree": 0,
        "Targets": [
                "Galaxy": 6,
                "System": 1,
                "Position": 8
                "Galaxy": 6,
                "System": 1,
                "Position": 9
        "CheckIntervalMin": 30,
        "CheckIntervalMax": 60
    "TelegramMessenger": {
        "Active": true,
        "API": "XXX",
        "ChatId": "XXX",
        "TelegramAutoPing": {
            "Active": true,
            "EveryHours":  1
kokiddp commented 2 years ago

fixed in v0.2.62 https://github.com/ogame-tbot/TBot/releases/tag/v0.2.62

kokiddp commented 2 years ago


NmC commented 2 years ago

I'm getting same error at v0.2.62 am i missing something?
