oganm / printSheetApp

Character sheet printer for Walter Kammerer's Fifth Edition Character Sheet
MIT License
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Sheet for avrae #2

Open NoukonNeko opened 6 years ago

NoukonNeko commented 6 years ago

This is more of a feature request than a current issue, but think you're able to add support for the Avrae the D&D Discord Bot? Avrae

Avrae can import character sheets from a PDF or Google Sheet. It looks like the PDF (the pretty version) is similar to Avrae's required PDF format, but pretty pdf doesn't import to Avrae cleanly and produces an invalid character sheet error. Here's the PDF that Avrae uses: PDF

The other route is to add an option to export to the the google sheet format: GSheets

I personally use the GSheets by manually copying over values from the 5th Edition Character Sheet Android App over, but if you app can bridge the two great tools together by handling the export/import then I'm sure the community will find this app more valuable.

oganm commented 6 years ago

Is the PDF you sent me from dicecloud or DnD beyond? I get a different PDF from DnDbeyond and dicecloud seems to be integrated through the API. If there is a software that automatically fills this PDF I need to know how exactly are the fields are filled.

Specifically I need to know

If there is a software that fills this PDF, you can send me a functioning character that is preferably a wizard (to see how spell slots ) with rogue levels (to see how expertise is encoded and more than 3 weapons, then I should be able to replicate it with relative ease on a spare time (about to go for a conference so it might have to wait for a bit).

Googlesheet is also possible but that'll be more work. That sheet also doesn't seem to have expertise support. I'd also need to know if it can read the weapon table after the 5th one.

NoukonNeko commented 6 years ago

The PDF is not from dicecloud or DnD beyond. It seems to be a PDF from Avrae itself. There doesn't seem to be a software that fills the PDF, the user has to fill in the PDF manually. The PDF works like Google Sheets that auto fills most of the sheet after the user manually fills in base stats, checks on expertise, fill in weapons, and fill in spells.

Answering your specific questions in the same order:

I'll attach some of the things I mention that might be helpful to you: charSheetPretty.pdf TorgaardAvrae.pdf torgaardattacks torgaardcasts

What I basically did was export to a pretty character sheet then copy the values over to Avrae PDF format. Let me know if you have anymore questions

oganm commented 6 years ago

I have decided to go for the googlesheet support since it would also add another useful output type even for non avrae users (it also has expertise and jack of all trades support). If it gets annoying to deal with I'll just have the pdf version up

oganm commented 6 years ago

A test version is up here


it is a little slow to create currently, I am working on that. but let me know if the output file has other problems

oganm commented 6 years ago

I just broke HP and don't have to time before sleep so ignore that for now

NoukonNeko commented 6 years ago

Sorry it took me some time to test it. I asked some friends to send me their exported files so I can have more real samples, that just took a while for me to get my hands on.

The Torgaard file I sent you seem to work when converting to google sheet, but any other exported files seem to to come up with this error: Error: no applicable method for 'filter_' applied to an object of class "NULL"

I am able to convert to a pretty PDF sheet, but not the google sheet. I'll attach one of the exported file that would give that error: Spinch_Barbarian1.txt

NoukonNeko commented 6 years ago

If I had to guess, it has something to do with caster vs non-casters

oganm commented 6 years ago

I think I found the problem (yep... casters vs non-casters, silly one at that) and fixed it but I can't test it on your file because the attachment seems to have failed. If you still see the problem, you can mail me the file at ogan.mancarci@gmail.com so I can take another look.

Otherwise what's keeping this on testing is the speed. Currently, due to absence of asynchronous operations, if someone decides to use the avrae sheet, the app will be unresponsive to everyone else for about 2 minutes. It is also true for other operations but they take much less time so that's not that big of an issue. So I'll have to do one of these things:

Till one of those happens, this will live at the testing address. Meanwhile, if you make a habit of using this, you might want to copy the output file as currently these just clutter my own drive so I might mass delete them at some point. I added a warning to the output to reflect this.

NoukonNeko commented 6 years ago

Yeah I been making my own copies after every conversion. Thanks for the warning though.

A couple of other bugs I noticed:

oganm commented 6 years ago

both should be fixed

nmartucci commented 6 years ago

I seem to be having issues assigning a damage type to my snippet. Is there a specific argument call tag for assigning that?

oganm commented 6 years ago

The damage types exported to the google drive document doesn't work? Do you know what it should look like?

nmartucci commented 6 years ago

Whta I'm trying to do is create a snippet for the Druid Circle of the Spores feature "Symbiotic Entity" Where with a melee attack it does 1d6 poison dmg.

what I've made so far is [ !snippet sym -d 1d6 ] but it will only reflect the first attack's damage type

oganm commented 6 years ago

Are you asking for a way to make a snippet in avrae or does this have anything to do with the google drive sheet?

Because while this issue is named "Avrae support", it isn't actually aimed for general Avrae support. Its aimed to encourage me to include Avrae compatibility on my site.

I'd like to help you but I don't use Avrae myself so don't know what might be going wrong. You probably want to go to their discord for that

oganm commented 6 years ago

All this time I thought I failed to implement asynchronous programming for some reason but it turns out it just doesn't work on my server. Currently have no idea why. I managed to make things work in a local machine with mostly identical conditions.

Potential problems

If I fail to find out what is going wrong, I might go nuclear and open a new droplet to re-install everything from scratch. This requires a significant activation energy as it is quite a bit of work

oganm commented 6 years ago

Problem solved and a working version pushed. I will delete the test version shortly. You can now get your avrae files from the main https://oganm.github.io/printSheetApp/ link

oganm commented 4 years ago

Avrae has a new sheet v2. Also googlesheets api v3 is shutting down on March 2020 so will have to switch the code anyway. Otherwise the current version of the sheet works fine

Edit: Actually. Don't switch to v2. Seems like it has many autogeneration options which is not needed for our purposes. The manual version is also updated so I'll probably switch to 1.4 instead