What do the different colors of cell represent on the default OpenSudoku theme? E.g. the light baby blue cells are obviously pre-filled cells. But what about the black cells and white cells?
Apologies if this is a ridiculously obvious question, the 2am brain may be in full effect.
Great work though, looking forward to hopefully being able to contribute in some form. It certainly beats using a sudoku website in a browser!
I'm new to sudokus relatively speaking.
What do the different colors of cell represent on the default OpenSudoku theme? E.g. the light baby blue cells are obviously pre-filled cells. But what about the black cells and white cells?
Apologies if this is a ridiculously obvious question, the 2am brain may be in full effect.
Great work though, looking forward to hopefully being able to contribute in some form. It certainly beats using a sudoku website in a browser!