CityGML to CityJSON conversions: are they authoritive?
Rob: CityJSON has its peculiar geometry representaiton and schema, it's unlike any other (not like GeoJSON).
It is a complex thing: arrays of vertex coordinates, and another parallel array of their meanings/connectivity.
So the geometry is "far away" from the features/objects.
So CHEK wants to use CityJSON, but will transform it into a different JSON representation
This is "constructive geometry", it's best suited for Survey, which is all based on points.
To extract some characteristic (eg highest point of that arc, area of some surface), you still need complex functions.
BHoM ( , pushes the idea that data models must always come with APIs and reference software implementations.
And LDAC 2023 presented a first Linked Data approach towards BHoM
We probably need to keep multiple/redundant geometry representations: various LOD, various implementations, building element bounding boxes (eg IFCtoLBD extracts such, emitting pseudo-WKT)
CityRDF ontology: start with an automatic UML->OWL conversion by ShapeChange.
But then customize to:
Capture geometries as opaque GML literals ala GeoSPARQL
Alejandro: won't be too hard to resolve CityJSON geometries to WKT
Vlado: but is WKT on par with GML? I think WKT covers only SF, whereas GML covers a lot more.
Rob: I don't think WKT is expressive enough.
Get rid of ADE classes and props, and abstract classes due to them
Craft JSONLD context
Craft JSONLD frame to conform to "CityJSON v2" (FG JSON schema for Cities)
Round-trip some examples XML->JSON->RDF and back
Write a XML->RDF convertor (eg in xsparql, lixr, rml) that does XML->RDF directly, not XML->JSON->RDF
Maybe derive/author SHACL shapes for additional structural checking
Incorporate LandUse classes/props from:
DE XPlanung?
3DCadastres Workshop 2024 and new work group working on Land Use (LADM, 3D LAnd Administration), within FIG (International Federation of Surveyors: standard settings org on global land survey).
How about topography, i.e. terrain? (see "Building Height" example below)
Development driven by use/test cases (i.e. individual checking requirements)
Eg Building Height:
DE case: they have 2 reference points: ground (eg according to average water level at some NL canal lock: Germans!); building (eg eaves, or top of roof)
ES case: in a mountainous city, where the building is partly embedded in the rock, do you measure from street level (front of building), or basement level (back of building)?
In Norway there's no rule how many basements you can have, so a guy had a cellar, a luxury sunning room, and a car garage on top of each other. (He was "lucky" to build on a steep rocky shore)
Logistics: rename ogc/CHEK-profiles to something like ogc/CityRDF, invite the participants (see list on top)
@nataschake Please capture all links that were shared, eg
Best Practice for OGC - UML to JSON Encoding Rules (24-017) draft. Will be at (delete from a local HTML file so the links work)
Meeting minutes 30 Apr 2024 with @rob-metalinkage @avillar @nataschake @peterrdf @svilenvarbanov2019
CityRDF Scope of Work
in Zotero "Semantic BIM"