ogham / exa

A modern replacement for ‘ls’.
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A way to not display the `@` (at sign) for files with extended attributes #1240

Closed blt-r closed 9 months ago

blt-r commented 11 months ago

Exa displays an at sign after permissions for files which have extended attributes:

.rw-------@ 1.8k blt 26 Aug 19:46  .bash_history
.rw-r--r--@   18 blt  6 Feb 04:00  .bash_logout
.rw-r--r--@  141 blt  6 Feb 04:00  .bash_profile
.rw-r--r--@  492 blt  6 Feb 04:00  .bashrc

Those are kind of annoying, and on systems with selinux every file has an extended attriblute, so it doesn't make sense to mark them

eggbean commented 11 months ago

I don't think there is any way to do this, but as a workaround you could define a colour for the setting for extended attributes to be the same as the background colour of your terminal emulator ANSI theme. Then, it wouldn't be visible.

The extended attribute indicator key in $EXA_COLORS is xa.


blt-r commented 11 months ago

There's actually ANSII escape code for invisible/hidden text, so EXA_COLORS=xa=8, hides it.

This is a good workaround, but I think it would still be good to have an option for disabling them. Because this way there is an extra whitespace that doesn't do anything and makes the gaps between columns inconsistant.

More importantly, the xa is also responsible for color of the names of extended attributes when using the --extended/-@ option. And setting it to 8 will hide those as well, which is not good.

daviessm commented 11 months ago

It looks like #855 would do this if merged.

It's already been merged into eza: https://github.com/eza-community/eza/pull/61

cafkafk commented 9 months ago

@ariasuni here's one

ariasuni commented 9 months ago

I just tested it and the @ is still displayed when using eza -l and eza -l -@.

cafkafk commented 9 months ago

Ohh I see, sorry about that then!

blt-r commented 9 months ago

So, this issue should probably be transferred to eza

ariasuni commented 9 months ago

Transferred to eza.
