ogham / exa

A modern replacement for ‘ls’.
MIT License
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add option to not show extended attributes #901

Open nikos-alexandris opened 3 years ago

nikos-alexandris commented 3 years ago

for some reason most of my files/directories have extended attributes and it's annoying to see the '@' symbol after every line in the permissions whenever i run exa with --long. Can you add an option such as --no-icons e.g. --no-extended that removes only the '@' from the permissions?

wangyandongnx commented 1 year ago


eggbean commented 1 year ago

I see this on systems with SELinux enabled, but it doesn't bother me. If it bothers you do much you can change the colour for that character in $EXA_COLORS to the same as your terminal background.

$ man exa_colors

$ export EXA_COLORS='xa=38;5;124'

The above should make it dark red, for example.