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SCRIPT#2. CSV File - Adding New Clients. GUI. #2

Open FutureITCorp opened 1 year ago

FutureITCorp commented 1 year ago

CSV file should contain the following fields:

CID,First Name,Last Name,Middle Name,Source,RateAgnostic,PhoneNumber,Type1,Type2,Type3,Entity,Dependent,Basecurrency,Home Address,DateAdded,TelegramName1,TelegramName2,City,Country,Comments

Preferrably, this program should have GUI interface, because there are too many fields to fill and with GUI it's easy to correct the field value if you realize that previous field value was typed incorrectly,

In GUI, some fields should have a drop-down list.

FutureITCorp commented 1 year ago

Validation rules:

CID - Rule3 FirstName - No Rules LastName - No Rules MiddleName - No Rules Source - Drop-down list. 1 Facebook group "Russians in Poland". 2 "Russians in Wroclaw" Aidar's chat. 3 Colleague from Work. 4 "Russians in Poland" chat. 5 WollPay channel. 6 "Russians and Belarusians in Poland". 7 "Russians in Poland Community" Telegram chat. 8 Personal matter. 9 Friends. RateAgnostic - "1" or "0" PhoneNumber - Rule3 and "+" sign is allowed. Type1 - Drop-down list: Client, Dealer Type2 - Drop-down list: Primary, Dependent Type3 - Drop-down list: RENEWABLE, LIMITED, RETAIL, N/A - DEALER Entity - Drop-down list: Natural,Legal Dependent: - Rule3 BaseCurrency - Rule1 HomeAddress - No Rules DateAdded - Date validation rules. TelegramName1 - No Rules TelegramName1 - No Rules FacebookLink1 - No Rules FacebookLink1 - No Rules InstagramLink1 - No Rules InstagramLink2 - No Rules City - No Rules Country - No Rules Comments - No Rules

Rule 1 {

Additional features: There should be a possibility to enter a new client via GUI or load the data and edit the data of existing client. Loading the data would be by specifying client's CID.

Possibility to add entries in the drop-down list which can be store, e.g. in a configuration file.