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xdg-open doesn't start zoom #111

Open vasi opened 2 years ago

vasi commented 2 years ago

Symptoms: xdg-open on a zoommtg URL does not open the Zoom snap. Eg: xdg-open 'zoommtg://zoom.us/test' Expected: xdg-open on a zoommtg URL should open Zoom


After using xdg-open, zoom_stdout_stderr.log contains:

Zoom path is: /snap/zoom-client/175/zoom
cmd line: --no-sandbox zoommtg://zoom.us/test
Start subprocess: /snap/zoom-client/175/zoom/zoom sucessfully,  process pid: 8717 
No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon.
                             Class      App      Lib Possible Culprit Flags
                resip::Connection      648      648 
                      resip::Data       36       36 
                 resip::DnsResult     1080     1080 
                   resip::Headers        1        1 
          resip::MsgHeaderScanner       40       40 
                resip::SipMessage     5208     5208 
         resip::TransportSelector      864      864 
                     resip::Tuple      128      128 
              resip::UdpTransport     1144     1144 
          resip::GenericIPAddress       28       28 

zoom started.
[0423/032359.360578:FATAL:setuid_sandbox_host.cc(158)] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /snap/zoom-client/175/zoom/cef/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.
No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon.
                             Class      App      Lib Possible Culprit Flags
                resip::Connection      648      648 
                      resip::Data       36       36 
                 resip::DnsResult     1080     1080 
                   resip::Headers        1        1 
          resip::MsgHeaderScanner       40       40 
                resip::SipMessage     5208     5208 
         resip::TransportSelector      864      864 
                     resip::Tuple      128      128 
              resip::UdpTransport     1144     1144 
          resip::GenericIPAddress       28       28 

zoom started.
zoom was exited due to a handled signal: 5 
ZoomLauncher exit.
vasi commented 2 years ago

Strangely, if I build myself from master (097c0099), it works fine. My chrome-sandbox file still has perms 0775, it didn't somehow become SUID root.

Necropaw commented 2 years ago

Can confirm this issue.

While /opt/chrome/chrome-sandbox has the permission 4755, /snap/zoom-client/175/zoom/cef/chrome-sandbox has the permission 0755. The error message suggests that /snap/zoom-client/175/zoom/cef/chrome-sandbox has to have 4755, too.

EDIT: Because of this bug I can not use the snap zoom client as this prevents me to login by Google/Facebook/SSO.

bmbeverst commented 2 years ago

This seems to be the same issue as Links from snap firefox won’t launch snap zoom on the snapcraft forums. I verified that I see the same behavior and reverting fixes the issue.

The solution is to sudo snap revert zoom-client to version revision 170

vasi commented 2 years ago

Note that snap revert only works if you had that previous version installed. For a new install of the Snap, I don't think there's a way to get the old version.

bmbeverst commented 2 years ago

I did not test this but looks like it works:

$ sudo snap revert zoom-client --revision 170
error: cannot revert "zoom-client": already on requested revision
nbouhid-cit commented 2 years ago

I removed the snap, and installed it again, thinking it would help. Now I don't have the old version anymore :( It'd be nice to have different versions on the different channels so it could also be used as a workaround.

Fuseteam commented 2 years ago

snap revert is no longer a viable workaround, zoom made 5.10 the minimal accepted version

mojibake-umd commented 2 years ago

@vasi You can just fallback to using latest/stable which is still 5.9.6.

sudo snap refresh zoom-client --channel=latest/stable

name: zoom-client summary: ZOOM Cloud Meetings publisher: Oliver Grawert (ogra) store-url: https://snapcraft.io/zoom-client contact: ogra@ubuntu.com?subject=zoom-client license: unset description: | Video conferencing with real-time messaging and content sharing

https://zoom.us provides simplified video conferencing, whiteboard sharing and messaging across any device. This is an unofficial re-pack of the debian package provided by zoom.us commands:

The zoom-client keep bugging about a newer version, which I did a week or two ago, but then I realized that launching links from Firefox no longer worked, so I rollback to using latest/stable, which is currently 5.9.6.

Using latest/candidate 5.10.3 is when things break. I isolated that it was not a problem with firefox or xdg-open before coming here.

konatacarneiro commented 1 year ago

Do we have any updates on this issue?

It seems that the same issue was fixed in the Flatpak version via a wrapper layer to restore proper sandboxing behavior: https://github.com/flathub/us.zoom.Zoom/pull/328. Perhaps a similar fix could be applied here?

This issue has been bugging me quite a bit for such a long time. It's fine for scheduled meetings as my calendar is synced to my Zoom account and those appear in the client, but when people start instant Zoom meetings and send me links, there's no way for me to open those links in the Zoom client. While I can copy-paste the links inside the "Join Meeting" dialog in the client, it still asks me for the password and I have to go ask the person who sent the invite link to send me the password for me to type in.

happyleo94 commented 1 year ago

I found there is a noSandbox switch in zoomus.conf. After set it to true, and remove the --no-sandbox flag in launcher.sh, then repack the snap, I can use SSO login again. This can cause problems for users of new installations, because they don't have an available zoomus.conf.

amrishparmar commented 1 year ago

Thought I'd note that Zoom will start enforcing a minimum version as part of their Quarterly Lifecycle Policy. From 4th February 2023, the minimum required version will be 5.10.3. Sticking with 5.9.6 won't be viable beyond that date, so ideally we'd find a solution before then.

Source: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360059429231