ogra1 / zoom-snap

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Zoom crashes multiple times before being actually able to join meeting, since upgrading to Jammy #117

Open jpseara opened 2 years ago

jpseara commented 2 years ago

Hello, all.

Since upgrading to Jammy, I've been having a problem with Zoom, more specifically when joining a meeting. At this point I am not sure if this is a problem related to the snap or not.

I can open the Zoom client fine. The problem is only when joining a meeting. The client will crash 3 or 4 times. At the 4th or 5th attempt, I am finally able to join the call. By that time there will be like 2 or 3 ghost users from me in the call, from the previous failed attempts.

I attach the complete logs. The problematic line is:

"zoom was exited due to a handled signal: 11"

Not sure if the problem is on snap or upstream, is someone here having the same issue?


jpseara commented 2 years ago

Workaround: start a X11 session instead of Wayland.

Fuseteam commented 2 years ago

i don't have this issur snap or otherwise, wayland or x11

wesinator commented 1 year ago

It seems the stable channel version is on an older version of the zoom software.

Try updating to the version from edge channel: sudo snap refresh --channel=edge zoom-client

Edit: as of November, the stable channel has now been updated to a newer version. sudo snap refresh zoom-client --channel stable