ogra1 / zoom-snap

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Large ui on non hidpi display #5

Closed LyzardKing closed 4 years ago

LyzardKing commented 4 years ago

Hi! I tried the snap, but on my 1080p 14" screen the ui is double what it's supposed to be. If I rebuild the snap with the env variable QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR: 1 removed it works as intended.

ogra1 commented 4 years ago

well, on a 4k 14" laptop it has the size of a postal stamp and is unreadable small if the auto-scaling is not used, while on a desktop with 22" screen at 1080p it seems normal when it is used, the slightly too big UI for some people seemed more acceptable to me than having it at a size where it is compltely unusable for a portion of users.

I'll check if there is some some other way to do the scaling in a better manner. If that doesnt work out, I can try to add some option ... snap set zoom-client hidpi-scaling=... so it can be turned on/off.

LyzardKing commented 4 years ago

thanks for the quick reply, but it's not slightly too big.. it's not really usable, and the appindicator is doubled in size as well (in ubuntu mate 20.04) I'll try and see if there's a better way to scale depending on display

FMuro commented 4 years ago

I experience the same issue. There's no way to see the bottom part of the UI, just in overview mode, where you can't interact with it. Curiously, the tray icon is on the opposite side, very small. (BTW, thanks for packing this as a snap, I feel very comfortable to run this sandboxed.) As a workaround I've added the environment variable QT_SCALE_FACTOR=.5 to the .desktop file. This fixes both the UI and the tray icon.

Screenshot from 2020-04-05 00-26-07 Screenshot from 2020-04-05 00-26-09

ogra1 commented 4 years ago

there is a new build in the edge channel that tries to be a bit cleverer WRT scaling and scales based on the current DPI ... please remove your local variable overrides and test the snap from edge (revision 52 or newer):

sudo snap refresh --edge zoom-client

please see if that scales it more appropriately ...

PS: also note ... if a window is too big you can use the "super (windows) key + click" to move the window around to reach the bottom buttons ...

LyzardKing commented 4 years ago

@ogra1 It works as intended on my non hi-dpi display! Thanks for looking into it!

ogra1 commented 4 years ago


FMuro commented 4 years ago

I also confirm it. Thanks for your quick reaction!

ogra1 commented 4 years ago

i released revision 53 to stable, you can switch your local installs back to the stable channel with:

sudo snap refresh --stable zoom-client