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Frequent freezes after most recent update #73

Open lizthegrey opened 3 years ago

lizthegrey commented 3 years ago

Experiencing freezing with latest snap version. UI freezes, but participants can still hear and see me even if I can't see them. This is triggered either when I view participant list, or share my desktop screen.

eventually the connection drops after 5-10 min.

dragonxtek commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue when I share my desktop. My computer freezes but participants can still hear me. I'm using the version 5.5.4-7938.0228

lizthegrey commented 3 years ago

Which GPU and CPU are you using @dragonxtek? For me this happens on my Ryzen 4750G APU but not on my Ryzen 5600X / Radeon 6800

dragonxtek commented 3 years ago

I have a GeForce GTX 1660 and an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700. I attached an extract from ~/.zoom/logs/zoom_stdout_stderr.log just in case

lizthegrey commented 3 years ago

Fascinating, I had assumed it was a Radeon driver weirdness, but perhaps not!

Okay, next question: are you using "dual monitor" view or the default single monitor sharing view? e.g. what pieces of Zoom UI remain on screen when you are desktop sharing?

dragonxtek commented 3 years ago

Good question. I have encountered several software with problems when using 2 screens, maybe this case is one of them. I only share one screen (the second one), to avoid browser popups with personal information.

lizthegrey commented 3 years ago

I use Zoom's dual-monitor mode on the 5600X setup, and don't get crashing, so I'm wondering whether this has to do with how Zoom is handling the video inlay of other participants that it does only for single monitor mode (the default). https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362583-Using-dual-monitors-with-the-Zoom-desktop-client

dragonxtek commented 3 years ago

I didn't know this option. I hope never have this issue again. I will report next Friday if I had the same problem again during the week. Thanks