Trying to parse a simple query that contains TRIM function.
SELECT trim(BOTH 'xyz' FROM 'yxTomxx');
Got an error:
Unexpected kw_both token: "both". Instead, I was expecting to see one of the following:
- A "kw_all" token
- A "kw_distinct" token
- A "int" token
- A "kw_order" token
- A "rparen" token
- A "star" token
- A "kw_with" token
- A "lparen" token
- A "kw_select" token
- A "word" token
- A "kw_with" token
- A "kw_not" token
- A "word" token
- A "op_plus" token
- A "op_minus" token
- A "kw_cast" token
- A "kw_current_schema" token
- A "kw_current_schema" token
- A "kw_true" token
- A "kw_false" token
- A "kw_null" token
- A "qparam" token
- A "kw_default" token
- A "word" token
- A "word" token
- A "word" token
- A "word" token
- A "kw_precision" token
- A "kw_array" token
- A "kw_array" token
- A "kw_case" token
- A "kw_primary" token
- A "kw_unique" token
- A "quoted_word" token
- A "word" token
- A "float" token
- A "kw_current_catalog" token
- A "kw_current_date" token
- A "kw_current_role" token
- A "kw_current_schema" token
- A "kw_current_timestamp" token
- A "kw_current_time" token
- A "kw_localtimestamp" token
- A "kw_localtime" token
- A "kw_session_user" token
- A "kw_user" token
- A "kw_current_user" token
- A "string" token
- A "eString" token
- A "kw_any" token
- A "kw_some" token
- A "kw_all" token
at Parser.feed (...\node_modules\nearley\lib\nearley.js:343:27)
at _parse (...\node_modules\pgsql-ast-parser\index.js:1911:16)
at doParse (...\node_modules\pgsql-ast-parser\index.js:1866:27)
at parse (...\node_modules\pgsql-ast-parser\index.js:1869:11) {
offset: 3,
token: {
type: 'kw_both',
value: 'both',
text: 'BOTH',
toString: [Function: tokenToString],
offset: 12,
lineBreaks: 0,
line: 1,
col: 13
The same behavior occurs when using LEADING or TRAILING instead BOTH.
Trying to parse a simple query that contains TRIM function.
Got an error:
The same behavior occurs when using LEADING or TRAILING instead BOTH.