oh-my-fish / plugin-weather

A simple, location-aware weather command for Fish
MIT License
31 stars 15 forks source link

Just tried to install your plugin for the first time, and I got this error. #38

Open jdsjdk opened 3 years ago

jdsjdk commented 3 years ago


I just tried to install your plugin on a remote debian server. Here is my system info: PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)" Kernel: 4.19.0-16-cloud-amd64 fish version: 3.2.1 omf version: 7

Here's what happened when I did:

omf install weather
Updating https://github.com/oh-my-fish/packages-main master... Done!
Installing package weather
Installing package config
✔ config successfully installed.
Installing package spark
Submodule 'spark' (https://github.com/holman/spark) registered for path 'spark'
Cloning into '/home/user/.local/share/omf/pkg/spark/spark'...
Submodule path 'spark': checked out "hash_value"
✔ spark successfully installed.
✔ weather successfully installed.
fish: Unknown command: config
~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish (line 9):
config weather -q temperature-units
from sourcing file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish
in function 'require' with arguments 'weather'
in function 'omf.cli.install' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 2 of file -
in function '__omf_last_command' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 50 of file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/omf/functions/omf.fish
in function 'omf' with arguments 'install weather'
fish: Unknown command: config
~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish (line 10):
  or config weather -s temperature-units default
from sourcing file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish
in function 'require' with arguments 'weather'
in function 'omf.cli.install' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 2 of file -
in function '__omf_last_command' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 50 of file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/omf/functions/omf.fish
in function 'omf' with arguments 'install weather'
fish: Unknown command: config
~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish (line 14):
config weather -q api-key
from sourcing file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish
in function 'require' with arguments 'weather'
in function 'omf.cli.install' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 2 of file -
in function '__omf_last_command' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 50 of file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/omf/functions/omf.fish
in function 'omf' with arguments 'install weather'
fish: Unknown command: config
~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish (line 15):
  or config weather -s api-key 34da4a18e8fdacda2ce10061f1cd6340
from sourcing file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish
in function 'require' with arguments 'weather'
in function 'omf.cli.install' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 2 of file -
in function '__omf_last_command' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 50 of file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/omf/functions/omf.fish
in function 'omf' with arguments 'install weather'
fish: Unknown command: config
~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish (line 19):
config weather -q cache-age
from sourcing file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish
in function 'require' with arguments 'weather'
in function 'omf.cli.install' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 2 of file -
in function '__omf_last_command' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 50 of file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/omf/functions/omf.fish
in function 'omf' with arguments 'install weather'
fish: Unknown command: config
~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish (line 20):
  or config weather -s cache-age 30
from sourcing file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/weather/conf.d/weather.fish
in function 'require' with arguments 'weather'
in function 'omf.cli.install' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 2 of file -
in function '__omf_last_command' with arguments 'weather'
    called on line 50 of file ~/.local/share/omf/pkg/omf/functions/omf.fish
in function 'omf' with arguments 'install weather'

So, I'm going to uninstall your plugin until you guys fix the bug. Please keep me posted, thanks.

scorphus commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting. In the meantime, you can reinstall the plugin and reload your shell with either exec fish -l or omf reload.

34fame commented 3 years ago

Had same problem. Running omf reload seemed to resolve.