oh-my-fish / theme-agnoster

MIT License
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Modifying Theme #27

Closed Kalibr8 closed 6 years ago

Kalibr8 commented 6 years ago

How do I make the theme multiline i.e have the prompt begin on a new line and and add a newline after each prompt/print loop. Also, how do I modify the default color scheme?

sn0cr commented 6 years ago

To make the prompt multiline, add suiting echo here: https://github.com/oh-my-fish/theme-agnoster/blob/557b7b4a01b82a3f95bce64f0c708fddb5a04cb2/fish_prompt.fish#L221

And have a look at the functions there, you can find the color definitions in the function - sadly no configurable color choices at the moment.

Kalibr8 commented 6 years ago

And what would the appropriate echo be? I ask coz I've tried a few - echo -n "" , echo -n "$" - and they didn't work

Kalibr8 commented 6 years ago

Never mind. Figured it out. Thanks