oh-my-fish / theme-agnoster

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Please describe how to add git ahead/behind info #42

Closed endafarrell closed 4 years ago

endafarrell commented 4 years ago

With the "Informative + VCS" prompt of fish I had easy visual access to git information which included whether my branch was ahead/behind of the (remote) origin.

Can you describe how to see that info in agnoster? The yellow color and the plus-minus alone doesn't give me this.

tia! /e

sn0cr commented 4 years ago

I'm not rally sure what you want to know, if you want to add another segment then you can add a function call like prompt_segment $color_background $color_foreground $git_symbol_or_output to the fish_prompt function in the fish_prompt.fish file. —- Maybe issue #37 could help you a little