oh-my-fish / theme-agnoster

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fish_prompt: Set theme variables globally #55

Closed scorphus closed 2 years ago

scorphus commented 2 years ago

This allows Agnoster to be wrapped by other scripts. For example, kitty started wrapping fish_prompt shortly after version 0.23.1. In such cases, local variables get declared in the scope of the wrapping agent and therefore are unavailable in the prompt scope.

Ref.: oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish#861

Krapaince commented 2 years ago

With kitty 0.24.0, when focus kitty displays a line as a cursor instead of a block, image I don't know if you mean to change that or if it is just a side effect.

scorphus commented 2 years ago

Please check these out:

p.s.: I'd strongly recommend you give Alacritty a try 😉

Krapaince commented 2 years ago

Ho thank you! My shell is fixed now. :smiley:

Thank you for the quick fix.

sn0cr commented 2 years ago

Thank you for fixing this!