oh-my-fish / theme-agnoster

MIT License
94 stars 63 forks source link

Do not show icons. #59

Closed onur-tlntmr closed 2 years ago

onur-tlntmr commented 2 years ago

Hi, I installed fonts-powerline, fish and agnoster theme but icons are not showing. Can you help me ?


Powerline checks: image

Finally neofetch:


sn0cr commented 2 years ago

As you seem to have a Powerline font, I can only assume that either your font uses older codepoints -- or we are using older ones. Did you use the font repo that is linked in the Readme?

onur-tlntmr commented 2 years ago

Yes I had it installed, now I've updated to ubuntu 22.04 and it doesn't seem to have any issues thanks.