oh-my-fish / theme-bobthefish

A Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome.
MIT License
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Is there a way to reload colors? #190

Closed dwrz closed 6 months ago

dwrz commented 5 years ago

I lost zenburn colors on one machine. Trying to replicate on another machine, I ran fish_config and also ended up with the default colors. Is there a way to reload the zenburn colors? Setting the theme-color-scheme variable doesn't seem to have effect.

Happy to post more details, but figure this is just my ignorance, not a bug...

Update: Using set_color seems to allow me to set the font colors I specify. But I'm still lost as to why fish isn't loading bobthefish colors...

bobthecow commented 5 years ago

Running fish_config can override your fish_prompt and fish_right_prompt and cause serious confusion. Check functions fish_prompt to ensure you're picking up the right one.

dwrz commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Running those command outputs bobthefish functions:

# Defined in /home/user/.config/fish/functions/fish_prompt.fish @ line 947
function fish_prompt --description 'bobthefish, a fish theme optimized for awesome'
# Defined in /home/user/.local/share/omf/themes/bobthefish/fish_right_prompt.fish @ line 68
function fish_right_prompt --description 'bobthefish is all about the right prompt'

The latter does end with:

set_color normal

I'm not sure what normal is in this context, though.

bobthecow commented 5 years ago

The real fish_prompt.fish should live in ~/.local/share/omf like fish_right_prompt.fish does. I believe the one in your ~/.config/fish/functions directory is a local override created by fish_config.

Delete it and reload fish and everything will go back to normal. To be safe, maybe move it somewhere rather than deleting, just in case you need it :P

dwrz commented 5 years ago

Thought that was going to be it (good eye!), but it looks like it was just a symbolic link to the correct location. I deleted it anyway, and function reports the correct location, but no luck. : \

On my end it feels like the theme has been decoupled from the font settings. If I switch to agnoster and back the font always stays the same. I'll see if I can dig a bit more tomorrow.