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Support custom "default" branch names #277

Closed GEOFBOT closed 3 years ago

GEOFBOT commented 3 years ago

The branch name master is hidden by default but if users use other branch names such as main (which GitHub is switching to by default) then it would be nice to have these branch names treated the same way i.e. the branch name is hidden by default. There could be a customization option to specify a list of branch names to treat as main branch names. This seems to be the relevant part that needs to be modified:


Another idea might be to have some way of automatically detecting which branch is the default branch, but this would not work for purely local repositories as far as I can tell.

EDIT: there is a PR #276 that adds main as an additional default branch name

bobthecow commented 3 years ago

Yeah, as I commented on #276, I think the right answer is a configurable list, with main and master being the defaults.

darrenkidd commented 3 years ago

PR #276 has now been merged, so you can probably close off this issue.

Also, just discovered #256 which is pretty much the same thing, so that can probably be closed too. I didn't see it in the PR list because it was about the 6th one down; I would have pushed for that one otherwise. Sorry @Xiphoseer.

Xiphoseer commented 3 years ago

No need to be sorry, I'm fine with any working implementation of this being included. 😊 I've closed my PR and will updated my local setup to whatever the merged approach requires.

GEOFBOT commented 3 years ago

Great work all around, thank you!