oh-my-fish / theme-bobthefish

A Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome.
MIT License
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Hostname disappears from prompt when sudo-ing on a remote server #306

Open silverhook opened 2 years ago

silverhook commented 2 years ago

When I ssh to a remote machine, by default the prompt changes to user@host, which I find super useful,

But the problem is that if I sudo -s then the prompt changes to simply $, and I see neither the user (who started sudo, nor the one that was sudo’d to) nor the hostname.

In effect, it’s impossible to tell a local sudo prompt from a remote one.

This issue (at least from the user PoV) may be somewhat related to https://github.com/oh-my-fish/theme-bobthefish/issues/170 – where the solution was to introduce an optional (user) prompt.

From technical PoV (but I’m not a coder) I suspect the issue is that when you sudo, the new fish instance does not know it is in ssh.

P.S. Love the theme. Thanks so much for this! ><> . . <3