oh-my-fish / theme-bobthefish

A Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome.
MIT License
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After install not show the powerline ? #332

Closed woshichuanqilz closed 1 year ago

woshichuanqilz commented 1 year ago

this is it look like after I install the theme follow the instructions image

Seems I installed, but not show the powerline part.

here is the setting for this theme. The nerd font is installed

# powerline theme settings
set -g theme_powerline_fonts yes
set -g theme_date_format "+%b-%d %H:%M"
set -g theme_display_date yes
set -g theme_date_timezone China/Shanghai
set -g theme_nerd_fonts yes

I use alacritty, font set in config file is like

    family: Source Code Pro for Powerline
Janosch commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem. It looks like you have to install powerline-shell yourself to make it work.

woshichuanqilz commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem. It looks like you have to install powerline-shell yourself to make it work.

Already solved check this.
