oh-my-fish / theme-bobthefish

A Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome.
MIT License
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theme not working #353

Closed donghao1393 closed 7 months ago

donghao1393 commented 8 months ago

After successfully installed with omf install bobthefish, the color scheme of fish did not change at all. Also, the following lines has been in ~/.config/fish/config.fish, but new line not applied as well.

set -g theme_newline_cursor yes
set -g theme_newline_prompt '$ '

Would you let me know to activate bobthefish?

bobthecow commented 7 months ago

i'm not sure, to be honest. it's working as expected for me. is it possible your terminal app is messing with it? what terminal do you use?

bobthecow commented 7 months ago

oh, that doesn't look quite like bobthefish. have you used another powerline prompt in the past?

donghao1393 commented 7 months ago


I am using iterm2. Theme not applied as well in Mac terminal. It was some default color scheme from fish before.

donghao1393 commented 7 months ago

It works after comment the following lines in ~/.config/fish/config.fish.

#function fish_prompt
#    eval ~/Documents/component_processes/container/powerline-go/powerline-go -error $status -jobs (count (jobs -p))

But I was still wondering why powerline's command would affect the fish theme?

bobthecow commented 7 months ago

oh! bobthefish (and all fish themes) works by creating a fish_prompt function. you created one with higher specificity, so when fish went looking for the prompt it found yours!