ohader / scanner

Extraction of TYPO3 CMS Extension-Scanner package as separate composer library
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Different error counts for news from scanner and TYPO3 BE #9

Open tkieslich opened 5 years ago

tkieslich commented 5 years ago

I scann news 7.1.0 with scanner and get 19 Errors. I do the same in TYPO3 BE and got nearly 100 Errors. Where comes the difference from?

ohader commented 5 years ago

TYPO3 core still uses it's own scanner definitions. The initial idea was to have this repository (available for everybody) and make use of it in the core. Unfortunately nobody took the time yet to synch scanner definitions and replace core's component with this repository...

lolli42 commented 5 years ago

This repository is broken. It has been a quick shot in the first place and has not been maintained afterwards. The initial extraction has been done without a sub tree split, thus removing all history and author information, making it hard to synchronize again. It is also quite rude since this repo now claims in the history that all code lines have been done by oliver, which is an obvious lie since others did the main work, just look at the history of the core extension scanner. I'd suggest to throw this repo away and start all over to fix these issues, or at least mark this repo as a broken and not maintained first shot. To extract the scanner from the core, there should be a concept on how to manage the rule set for core patches, first. And how to make sure that core devs maintain these rules. Otherwise chances are much higher that core patches just "forget" updating scanner information, which will make the scanner slowly rot away, just like the documentation. And it would be a good idea to think about an additional information to bind single rules to specific core versions.

ohader commented 5 years ago

@lolli42 Please calm down. This repository has been created in order to offer scanner functionality to not just the TYPO3 core, but to allow assessment concerning upgradability much earlier in standalone tools.

It is also quite rude since this repo now claims in the history that all code lines have been done by oliver, which is an obvious lie since others did the main work, just look at the history of the core extension scanner.

The initial commit contains a reference to you as an author: https://github.com/ohader/scanner/commit/47b746163f48d52a34f14938cddb7416edb927ed#diff-b5d0ee8c97c7abd7e3fa29b9a27d1780R8

In pending PR https://github.com/ohader/scanner/pull/6 @Tuurlijk already addressed the aspect of having rules for according core major versions (v7, v8, v9, ...).

I'd suggest to throw this repo away and start all over to fix these issues, or at least mark this repo as a broken and not maintained first shot. Why throw it away instead of synchronize it with the core rules.

If I got your comments between blaming correct, you'd suggest to have a new ext:deprecation in the TYPO3 core that is maintained by an additional automated sub-tree splitting process as e.g. typo3/cms-deprecation?

From my point of view there should be only one version (branch) containing all information for all TYPO3 versions. Otherwise it would be really difficult for CLI tools to determine in which TYPO3 version some functionality is considered as deprecated or breaking.

lolli42 commented 5 years ago

@ohader I am calm. I don't know why you assume I'm not. I assume you understand and agree that a subtree split as first commit would have been better. Since this fail can't be undone without force pushing in this repo here, I suggested to rebuild it in a clean way a second time in case work on this repo is picked up again. Other than that I only pointed to further possible issues in case the ext scanner is dropped from core main repo. The current state of this repo shows the most important one: It's stalled and not maintained and no core dev cares about it. This is exactly what this issue is about. I don't know how to solve this in a good way.

Lefaux commented 5 years ago

I feel the hostility here too. A bit like "Legacy-Mattes". Saying the right things the wrong way.

Know what I mean?

tkieslich commented 5 years ago

@ohader Thanks for the Explantation i understand the Reasons. The only Reason i ask this Question was that this Project https://github.com/Tuurlijk/typo3scan use this Repo and this is a big help to calculate the Effort for upgrade Extensions without upgrading the hole System and if you upgrade the Extension it is also a big help to have a File with the List of the Errors to fix without rescan in BE. Perhaps it is a Way to make this Things possible. If it need help, feel free to ask ;-)

Reagards from Dresden