ohartl / webmum

WebMUM - Web Mailsystem User Manager
MIT License
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Menu disappears if window is smaller than 1024px #29

Open leo-graf opened 8 years ago

leo-graf commented 8 years ago

You can assign this one to me!

ohartl commented 8 years ago

I think while fixing that we could also start using responsive css. Edit forms are broken on mobile too, but this should be fixed by arrangieren input elements of the forms to vertical. Can u possibly do that too?

leo-graf commented 8 years ago

Sure. I'll check the whole front-end, but my time is limited at the moment. I think i can focus this in the first week of march.

dadosch commented 8 years ago

Maybe using bootstrap... klick

ohartl commented 8 years ago

I just think using a css framework is way to much overhead, since we would only use that little amount of code from them.. Its not that i dont like css frameworks in general, i use semantic-ui and bootstrap for some projects, but still for that little ui needed for this project, i do not think its worth it to also rework the html code to fit to a certain css framework. And wouldn't it be great to develop an own unique "design", thats not the 1 billions bootstrap copy?

ThomasLeister commented 8 years ago

/FULLACK @ohartl

ohartl commented 8 years ago

@leo-graf reminder

leo-graf commented 8 years ago

Hey @ohartl I did not forget about this, but I have a deadline on 1st of May which is consuming all my time (and more important my mind)...

leo-graf commented 8 years ago

Sub-Issue of #51