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pyActigraphy, a toolbox for actigraphy data analysis #29

Open ghammad opened 5 years ago

ghammad commented 5 years ago


pyActigraphy, a toolbox for actigraphy data analysis

Presentor and Affiliation

Grégory Hammad1


Mathilde Reyt1, Michele Deantoni1, Christophe Phillips1, Christina Schmidt1,2, Vincenzo Muto1,2

  1. GIGA-CRC in vivo Imaging, University of Liège, Belgium
  2. Psychology and Neurosciences of Cognition (PsyNCog), Faculty of Psychology, University of Liège, Belgium

Github Link (if applicable) Source code: https://github.com/ghammad/pyActigraphy Documentation: https://ghammad.github.io/pyActigraphy/index.html

Abstract (max. 200 words): Brain structure and the physical or locomotor activity. Whether it is the total amount of activity [1], the sleep fragmentation or the integrity of the circadian rhythmicity, these effects must be taken into account, as they can be of equivalent (or even greater) importance as the usual demographic covariates, such as the age. In addition, human brain functions are modulated by circadian and/or seasonal rhythmicity. As a matter of fact, the only practical way to assess, in-situ, the physical activity or the circadian rhythmicity over a period of several days is to use actigraphy. pyActigraphy is an open source python package for actigraphy data visualization and analysis. It is supported by an extensive online documentation of its functionalities. It also integrates the best practices in terms of developments, such as continuous integration tests. It is thus the perfect companion toolkit for any brain imaging study.

Preferred Session Oral session: 3. Demo: New advances in open neuroimaging methods Lightning talk: 1. Neuroscience toolkit

Additional Context

TimVanMourik commented 5 years ago

Hi @ghammad, I’m happy to tell you that we’d like to host your presentation as a lightning talk in the OSR in the neuroscience toolkit session. This will be a talk of 5 minutes + 5 minutes of questions. We’ll update the program in the ReadMe.md shortly. We’d much appreciate it if you could submit slides and other presentation material to the presentations folder by means of a Pull Request to this repository, preferably but not necessarily before the presentation.

ghammad commented 5 years ago

Hi @TimVanMourik. Wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity. I will PR with my material asap.