Extending DIPY Vizualisation or workflows framework
Project Description
DIPY is the largest community-based open-source software project and it implements many methods in computational neuroanatomy, with an emphasis on methods for the analysis of diffusion MRI (dMRI) data. DIPY offers a new system of command-line interfaces that ease the use of the Python API implemented for clinician/neuroimagers. The goal is to add new functionalities and simplify the command line creation. The second project is based on FURY, a scientific visualization library, born from a DIPY spin-off. The goal is to add some widget and a function to simplify Atlas visualization.
Skills required to participate
Everybody is welcomed! from python Beginner to expert! if you are interested in :
improving your understanding or extending of DIPY visualization, join us!
extending DIPY command line framework, join us!
Neuroimagers and computational scientists may be able to contribute to either part of the project. more details below:
Workflows Project:
Create a worflows from a decorator instead of a Class.
Create New DIPY Workflow (command line)
For beginner, you will be able to create and contribute your own command line on DIPY
Increase documentation
Visualization Project:
Visualization dynamic Atlas easily (medium)
Dynamic Mosaic visualization (medium)
Create a new widget (Combobox) (medium)
Create new brain effect with shader (advanced user)
Extending DIPY Vizualisation or workflows framework
Project Description
DIPY is the largest community-based open-source software project and it implements many methods in computational neuroanatomy, with an emphasis on methods for the analysis of diffusion MRI (dMRI) data. DIPY offers a new system of command-line interfaces that ease the use of the Python API implemented for clinician/neuroimagers. The goal is to add new functionalities and simplify the command line creation. The second project is based on FURY, a scientific visualization library, born from a DIPY spin-off. The goal is to add some widget and a function to simplify Atlas visualization.
Skills required to participate
Everybody is welcomed! from python Beginner to expert! if you are interested in :
Neuroimagers and computational scientists may be able to contribute to either part of the project. more details below:
Workflows Project:
.Visualization Project:
Preparation material
Link to your GitHub repo
pip install dipy
)pip install fury