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git-annex special remote for the open science framework #156

Open adswa opened 4 years ago

adswa commented 4 years ago


We are very excited to meet you at the 2020 OHBM Brainhack 🎉 To submit a project, you need to be an attendee of the 2020 OHBM Brainhack. We ask you to register first over here. Thank you!

We have prepared a checklist to help with your project submission. Here is how to proceed:

  1. Before filling in any part, please submit this issue
  2. Check items in the checklist below as you go through them
  3. Once you are done (at least all 'required' items must be provided), please delete the "Guidelines" section add a comment saying 'hi @ohbm/project-monitors: My project is ready!'

Thank you!

After step 1 (issue submitted), we will assign a 'project monitor' to follow your submission. If at any time you need help or anything is unclear, please add a comment and ping your project monitor. Our team is here to help!

Project info

Title: git-annex special remote for the open science framework

Project lead: Adina Wagner, @adswa

Timezone: UTC+2

Hub: Europe, Middle East and Africa

Description: The Open Science Framework (OSF) is an amazing infrastructure for open science. In this project, we attempt to create a git-annex special remote implementation to leverage OSF filestorage and make the data storing that OSF provides even more useful. The git-annex OFS special remote would allow to transform OSF storage into git-annex repositories. Files in OSF storage could thus be consumed or exported fast and easily via git-annex or datalad, and published to repository-hosting services (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, ...) as lightweight repositories that constitute an alternative access to the data stored on the OSF - that is: you can git clone a repository from for example GitHub and get the data from the OSF from the command line or in your scripts.

Link to project: https://github.com/adswa/git-annex-remote-osf There is no code yet - we will assemble a group of interested Brainhackers and start from scratch

Mattermost handle: adina

Goals for the OHBM Brainhack

Good first issues:

You can find more good first issues in the project repository: https://github.com/adswa/git-annex-remote-osf/issues :hugs:


Chat channel: https://mattermost.brainhack.org/brainhack/channels/git-annex-osf

Video channel Please have a look at the Mattermost channel (pinned posts) for the URL of the video channel, or alternatively, please contact to @adswa.

Project submission

Submission checklist

Once the issue is submitted, please check items in this list as you add under 'Additional project info'

Please include the following above (all required):

You can also include information about (all optional):

We would like to think about how you will credit and onboard new members to your project. We recommend reading references from this section. If you'd like to share your thoughts with future project participants, you can include information about (recommended):

Remi-Gau commented 4 years ago

hey @adswa this looks great and super useful. I added some labels to this issue. make sure you are fine with those or if you want to change or add more. I guessed that a minimal knowledge of git was needed but nothing above git-1 feel free to update.

Remi-Gau commented 4 years ago

Also let us know if there is an image for this project we can use for the website. :-)

ufangYang commented 4 years ago

Hiya @adswa. I will be taking your project for the @ohbm/hack2020-social_media

adswa commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the tags @Remi-Gau :)

Also let us know if there is an image for this project we can use for the website. :-)

I've added a quick logo in https://github.com/adswa/git-annex-remote-osf/blob/master/brainhack/git-annex-osf-logo.png, hope this suffices! :)

adswa commented 4 years ago

Ah, I just read https://github.com/ohbm/hackathon2020/blob/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/handbooks/projects.md#project-snippet-for-the-ohbm-brainhack-website -- I'll PR this soon!

Remi-Gau commented 4 years ago


You will give our welcome bot a test run.

Remi-Gau commented 4 years ago

I've added a quick logo in https://github.com/adswa/git-annex-remote-osf/blob/master/brainhack/git-annex-osf-logo.png, hope this suffices! :)

This logo is all asked for and so much more.

adswa commented 4 years ago

the bot is f-ing fantastic! :upside_down_face:

adswa commented 4 years ago

Hiya @adswa. I will be taking your project for the @ohbm/hack2020-social_media

thank you @ufangYang!

lnnrtwttkhn commented 4 years ago

Hi @adswa, I would be happy to join this project during the hackathon.

Actually, I wondered before if DataLad could also be used with Seafile as the special remote, so maybe while figuring out how it could work with OSF, I would also learn how to use it with Seafile.

adswa commented 4 years ago

Hi @lnnrtwttkhn, great to have you on-board! :-)

Actually, I wondered before if DataLad could also be used with Seafile as the special remote, so maybe while figuring out how it could work with OSF, I would also learn how to use it with Seafile.

Yes, it should work. I have never done it before myself (I didn't know about Seafile until now), but it works via the rclone special remote. There is a walk through on how to set everything up via rclone for Dropbox in the handbook (http://handbook.datalad.org/en/latest/basics/101-138-sharethirdparty.html). I suppose it should be possible to do it in a highly similar fashion for seafile, and if you end up doing it, it would actually be cool to have a write-up of it (handbook contribution? :heart_eyes:). Also, as another pointer, we've started work around a wrapper for rclone, because it supports so many third party services, and I think its in a workable state ( https://github.com/datalad/datalad/pull/4162 and https://github.com/datalad/git-remote-rclone). The wrapper should at some point replace the workflow thats currently described in the handbook, so if you're up to giving those a test-run, that would be superb!

lnnrtwttkhn commented 4 years ago

Hi @adswa, that sounds great! I will check out the links and see if I can get it to work!

jhlegarreta commented 4 years ago

@adswa do you have a video channel for your project? Would you add that information to the mattermost channel, please? Thanks.

adswa commented 4 years ago

Yes, we took it out to prevent "zoom-bombing". It is now in the header and pinned message of the mattermost channel.

sappelhoff commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately I won't have time to participate in this Brainhack, but I think this project is really exciting, and I'll try to follow it as much as time permits.

I just wanted to share how I used Datalad and OSF in conjunction in the past:

  1. using https://github.com/templateflow/datalad-osf ... however, the repo seems to be currently unmaintained
  2. using this "recipe" I wrote in the form of a blog post

This may or not be helpful, but I thought it doesn't hurt to share :-)

adswa commented 4 years ago

thanks for sharing, @sappelhoff!

kousu commented 4 years ago

Hi @adswa, I'm working on managing these issues with @neuropoly, and this seems like a fascinating challenge, and also pretty accessible. Is it too late to get in on it?

adswa commented 4 years ago

Not at all, we haven't even pitched. We'll be pitching in 1.5 hours in the EMEA hub. :)