ohbm / hackathon2020

Website for the 2020 OHBM Hackathon (Location: 3rd planet from the Sun)
MIT License
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BrainWeb #243

Open katjaq opened 4 years ago

katjaq commented 4 years ago

BrainWeb. A permanent place for hacking together.

Team: Katja, Roberto, Anibal, Remi, Isil, Austin, Sofie project lead: katja

Timezone: UTC+2 (Paris, France)

Hub: Europe, Middle East and Africa


In a team effort across continents, we recently created the BrainWeb, a permanent virtual space for online collaborations on projects related to neuroscience. It has built so quickly a large community of >200 members, that this is the current community graph: https://brain-web.github.io/community/ BrainWeb_communityGraph

We also have a a projects page

And we now also host our own BrainWeb-jitsi for community calls, where we can send love ❀️ and brains 🧠 , rockets πŸš€ and more love πŸ’• .


Now how can we improve the BrainWeb? During this Hackathon, we would like to

1 add the possibility to filter the community graph by skills, so that we can easily find people to collaborate with – either based on shared interests or to add skills to our team that we are lacking

2 add all BrainWeb videoconference rooms in a sidebar on the page, and indicators of occupancy for all of them, like a green dot if there's someone in

3 add a posters room. The problem: How to improve the online poster room experience? How can we approach the stuff we miss from real poster rooms? Which are the new things we can have in a virtual, permanent, poster room? @katja showed a possibility that would be fun to explore, hacking MicroDraw.

4 by embedding jitsi in our videoconference tab, we have access to a shared data channel. We are currently using it to send emojis, but this is just a tiny starting point. We could use the data channel to synchronise quite sophisticated shared experiences! For example, a presenter could share a 3D brain (cf @dr.alecrimi)

If you'd love to work with us on the BrainWeb, join us on Mattermost ~brainweb, and find our GitHub repo here.

Looking forward to hacking with all of you! 🌞 ❀️

welcome[bot] commented 4 years ago

Welcome Banner (Image: CC-BY license, The Turing Way Community, & Scriberia. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3332808) :tada: Welcome to the 2020 OHBM Hackathon! :tada: We're really excited to have your input on this repository and welcome your idea! :sparkling_heart: If you haven't done so already, please make sure you check out our Code of Conduct. Did you issue a new hackathon project? Please check if you have provided all relevant information and an image for the website.